Strong growth in turnover
Transport and tourism;Transport and tourism
sttranstj, Supporting and auxiliary transport activities, structural business statisticsTourism , Sea transport , Land transport , Aviation , Transport and tourism

Supporting and auxiliary transport activities, structural business statistics2004



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Strong growth in turnover

The 2 239 local KAUs in supporting and auxiliary transport activities had total turnover of NOK 51.4 billion in 2004, 7 per cent up from 2003. The highest growth figures were seen in storage and warehousing with an increase in turnover by 32 per cent.

Total productivity measured in terms of value added for the local KAUs in supporting and auxiliary transport activities was NOK 17.1 billion in 2004 which is a 12 per cent increase from 2003. The industry division covers a wide range of transport related service activities, from cargo handling and storage to transport brokerage. The local KAUs employed 21 450 people in total.

Most activity in Oslo and Akershus

The 584 local KAUs found in Oslo and Akershus had a turnover of NOK 26.4 billion and employed 8 707 people. This constitutes 51 per cent of total turnover and 41 per cent of total employment in supporting and auxiliary transport activities.

Low profitability in freight forwarding services

Freight forwarding services is the largest industry sub class with 7 217 people employed and a turnover of NOK 18.7 billion. Turnover went up 4 per cent from 2003. Operating income was at NOK 18.8 billion and operating costs was at NOK 18.0 billion, yielding an operating margin of 4 per cent.

Turnover, by number of persons employed. Supporting and auxiliary transport activities, total. Enterprises. 2004

Employment down

Ship brokerage services had 30 local KAUs less than in 2003. Employment went down by 6 per cent compared to 2003. The turnover increased however by 25 per cent, from NOK 2.6 billion in 2003 to NOK 3.3 billion in 2004. Operating costs went up by 16 per cent to NOK 2.6 billion in 2004 which brought the operating margin from 15 to 21 per cent.

Enterprise level

The structural business statistics for supporting and auxiliary transport activities are compiled both on the local KAU level and on the enterprise level. On the enterprise level total turnover was NOK 51.9 billion in 2004, while the total number of persons employed was 21 784.

Figures on the enterprise level will usually deviate somewhat from figures compiled on the local KAU level. This is due to the fact that enterprises are registered in the industry subclass that comprises the main part of the activity of the enterprise, and therefore may be registered in a different industry than some of the local KAUs within the enterprise. For more information about these and other definitions used in the structural business statistics for supporting and auxiliary transport activities, see "About the statistics".

The largest enterprises

Enterprises with over 50 employees make up 3 per cent of the total number of enterprises, but account for more than half of the turnover and employ three out of every five employees.

Employment, by industry subclass. Local KAUs

Employment figures

Starting in 2004 the methods for gathering and estimating employment were changed. Employment figures are now collected directly through the Registrar of Employers and Employees (Arbeidsgiver- og Arbeidstakerregistret, a.k.a. AA-registret). The change makes it difficult to compare employment-figures over time.

For more on this change, see “About the statistics”.

Travel services

Activities of travel agencies, tour operators and tourist assistance activities are not included in these figures. Statistics for this industry group are published together with other tourism related statistics at http://www.ssb.no/streiseby_en/ .
