Most children with full-time places
Education;Public sector;Immigration and immigrants;Svalbard
barnehager, Kindergartens, kindergartens, private kindergartens, public kindergartens, non-municipal kindergartens, coverage, part-time place, duration of stay, minority language children, refugee kindergartens, family kindergartens, open kindergartens, kindergarten personnel, nursery nursesKOSTRA , Education, Education, Kindergartens, Public sector, Immigration and immigrants, Education, Svalbard




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Most children with full-time places

By the end of 2002 nearly 132 400 of a total of 198 300 places in kindergartens are defined as full-day places. This amounts to an increase of 8 500 full-time places, or 2.5 percentage points since 2001.

A total of 198 300 children aged 0-6 had a place in kindergarten by the end of 2002, an increase of 5 600 or 3 per cent compared with 2001. In addition 6 200 children also used open kindergarten programmes. A total of 204 500 children were in a kindergarten programme.

Just over 82 000 children, or 41 per cent, were in a private kindergarten while 116 200 had a place in a public kindergarten.

At the end of 2002 nearly 55 900 persons were employed in kindergartens, who all together worked 42 480 man-years. This is an increase of 4 per cent. 32 per cent of the employees have an approved pre-school teacher education, which is at the same level as the year before.
