Employees in kindergartens and schools

Updated: 19 June 2024

Next update: Not yet determined

Share of female teachers in primary and lower secondary schools
Share of female teachers in primary and lower secondary schools
Employees in kindergarten and schools. Number and per centage of women
Employees in kindergarten and schools. Number and per centage of women
KindergartensPrimary and lower secondary schoolsUpper secondary schoolsPost-secondary vocational schoolsAdult education institutions
NumberWomen (per cent)NumberWomen (per cent)NumberWomen (per cent)NumberWomen (per cent)NumberWomen (per cent)
All employees95 72989.1119 59474.141 14459.22 42249.56 18375.8
Teachers32 68989.979 49673.627 64156.41 48741.94 40177.5
Kindergarten leaders4 40490.76 25266.92 83756.532956.542471.5
Other employees working with the children/pupils56 68688.828 62476.73 84967.64383.761166.4
Other employees1 9502.75 22276.46 81766.756362.774776.0
Explanation of symbols

Selected tables and charts from this statistics

  • Employed teachers in school, by competance. Per cent.
    Employed teachers in school, by competance. Per cent.
    Primary and lower secondary schoolsUpper secondary schoolsVocational schoolAdult education institutions
    Number of teachers79 49627 6411 4874 401
    Long tertiary education with a teachers education17.737.216.721.2
    Long tertiary education with other educational sciences2.
    Long tertiary education without educational science1.
    Short tertiary education with a teachers education56.640.023.551.8
    Short tertiary education with other educational sciences10.
    Short tertiary education without educational science3.64.521.76.2
    Upper secondary education8.15.319.93.8
    Explanation of symbols
  • Employed teachers in kindergartens and schools, by age. Per cent.
    Employed teachers in kindergartens and schools, by age. Per cent.
    KindergartensPrimary and lower secondary schoolsUpper secondary schoolsPost-secondary vocational schoolsAdult education institutions
    Number of teachers32 68979 49627 6411 4874 401
    29 years or younger19.
    30-39 years34.426.322.421.414.7
    40-49 years25.423.225.825.026.0
    50-59 years16.820.929.629.732.8
    60 years or older4.57.813.515.721.5
    Explanation of symbols
  • Employees in kindergartens, by competance and occupation. Per cent.
    Employees in kindergartens, by competance and occupation. Per cent.
    Kindergarten teachersKindergarten leadersOther employees working with the children/pupils
    Number of employees32 6894 40456 686
    Tertiary education with kindergarten-related pedagogical education87.290.32.8
    Upper secondary trade certificate in Child Care and Youth Work2.80.331.4
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The statistics cover wage earners (employed as of the 3rd week of November) in kindergarten, primary and lower secondary school, upper secondary school, post-secondary vocational school and in adult education institutions by characteristics such as occupation, age and educational background. Non-residents are excluded.

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 19 December 2023.

Employed persons are defined as individuals who engaged in at least one hour of paid work during the reference week, or those who were temporarily absent from such work due to reasons such as illness, vacation, or paid leave.

Wage earners (also referred to as employees) are individuals who are compensated for their work through wages

Employment: A person may hold multiple jobs across various firms. Should a person have multiple employments within the same industry (e.g. with two different primary schools), only one employment is selected.

Occupation is based on information from A-ordningen and coded according to the Standard Classification of Occupations (1998 Version STYRK-98)

Contractual percentage of full-time equivalent: This term refers to the proportion of full-time hours an employee is contractually agreed to work, as specified in their employment contract. The employer shall not consider additional work, overtime or different types of absence from work or if the hours have been paid or not. The information on contractual percentage of full-time equivalent is based on what is reported to the a-ordningen. For persons that are paid by the hour without contractual working hours per week, e.g on-call temporary workers, the employer can report 0 as contractual percentage of full-time equivalent. Statistics Norway will then calculate contractual percentage of full-time equivalent from what is reported as paid hours and number of hours that corresponds to a 100 per cent position in the month of reporting.

Contractual hours of full-time equivalent is defined as: Contractual percentage of full-time equivalent/100.

Kindergarten Teachers/Teachers are employees with occupational codes beginning with 23 or 33 (except 2352).

Leaders are employees with occupational codes starting with 1210, 1227, 1228, 1319, 2352.

Other employees working with the children/pupils are employees with occupational codes starting with 5131, 5139, 5132, 3460, 3232.

The characteristics of place of work and industry division are obtained from the Central Register of Business Establishments and Enterprises (CRE) and apply to the local unit where the person works.

Information about the industry is retrieved from the CRE. Industry is classified according to the Classification of Standard Industrial Classification

Kindergartens are local units with industrial code 88.911.

Primary and lower secondary schools are local units with industrial code 85.201.

Upper secondary schools are local units with industrial codes 85.310/85.320.

Post-secondary vocational schools are local units with industrial code 85.410

Adult education institutions are local units with industrial code 85.594.

Characteristics such as place of residence, sex, and age are obtained from the National Registry.

Residents are defined as individuals registered in the National Registry, encompassing both permanent residents and temporary residents who intend to stay in Norway for six months or longer

Pedagogical education and kindergarten-relevant pedagogical education are based on information about completed tertiary education in the National Education Database (NUDB) and relevant education is selected based on codes according to the The Norwegian Standard Classification of Education (NUS2000). T

The industrial classification is in accordance with the revised Standard Industrial Classification (NOS D 383), which is based on the EU-standard of NACE Rev. 2.

The occupational classification is in accordance with the Standard Classification of Occupations (the 1998 Version is used).

Breakdown by county is in accordance with the list of counties and municipalities as of the 1st day of the middle month of a given quarter.

Educational programmes are classified according to the Norwegian Standard Classification of Education (NUS). NUS is a six-digit education code, where the 1. digit indicates the level of education, 2.-4. digits indicate field of study and a full six-digit education code indicates an individual programme of education.

Name: Employees in kindergartens and schools
Topic: Education

Not yet determined

Division for Education and Culture Statistics

National and county level

The statistics are published annually in June and refer to the 3rd week of November the year before.

Not relevant

Collected and revised data are stored securely by Statistics Norway in compliance with applicable legislation on data processing.

Statistics Norway can grant access to the source data (de-identified or anonymised microdata) on which the statistics are based, for researchers and public authorities for the purposes of preparing statistical results and analyses. Access can be granted upon application and subject to conditions. Refer to the details about this at Access to data from Statistics Norway.

The statistics cover employees in kindergarten, primary and lower secondary school, upper secondary school and adult education institutions by characteristics such as occupation, age and educational background.

Previously such statistics have only been available in a dispersed manner, based on different types of source data and definitions. The statistics on Employees in kindergartens and schools provide figures based on common source data (A-ordningen and the National Education Database) and a coherent set of definitions.

The statistics complements but does not replace the statistics about employees provided e.g. by the Directorate of Education based on the Kindergarten database BASIL (BArnehage-Statistikk-InnrapporteringsLøsning) or the primary/lower secondary School database Grunnskolens informasjonssystem, GSI. Their purpose, level of detail and geographical scope differ.

Important users of the education statistics are public administration, special interest organisations, the media, researchers, business and industry. Key users among the ministries are, in particular, the Ministry of Education and Research.

No external users have access to statistics before they are released at 8 a.m. on ssb.no after at least three months’ advance notice in the release calendar. This is one of the most important principles in Statistics Norway for ensuring the equal treatment of users.

Not relevant

The statistics are developed, produced and disseminated pursuant to Act no. 32 of 21 June 2019 relating to official statistics and Statistics Norway (the Statistics Act).

Regulation (EC) No 0452/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2008 concerning the production and development of statistics on education and learning. Commission Regulation (EU) No 88/2011 of 2 February 2011 implementing Regulation (EC) No 0452/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the production and development of statistics on education and lifelong learning, as regards statistics on education and training systems.

The statistics cover resident wage earners who engaged in at least one hour of paid work during the reference week (3rd week of November), and those who were temporarily absent from such work due to reasons such as illness, vacation, or paid leave.

Employees in the following industry divisions are covered:

85.201 – primary and lower secondary schools

85.320 og 85.310 – upper secondary schools

88.911 – kindergartens

85.594 – adult education institutions

85.410 - post-secondary vocational schools

An employee is only counted once within each of these four groups, but may occur in more than one group (e.g. a teacher working both at a primary school and an adult education institution).

For employees working in kindergartens, an additional verification is conducted using data from the kindergarten database BASIL. Only those local units that are registered as having children in attendance as of mid-December are included in this data set.

For employees in primary and lower secondary schools an additonal verification is conducted using data from the database GSI. Only those local units that are registered as having pupils in attendance on the 1st of October are included.

For employees in upper secondary schools an additonal verification is conducted using data from the upper secondary education database VIGO. Only those local units that are registered as having pupils in attendance on the 1st of October are included.

The main source of the statistics is A-ordningen, which is a coordinated digital collection of employment, income, and tax deductions for the Norwegian Tax Administration, the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV), and Statistics Norway. Statistics Norway receives information about wages and employees directly from the a-meldingen.

Information about completed education is based on records in the National education database (NUDB).

Editing is defined here as checking, examining and amending data.

The statistics has no separate data collection, but are based on a number of different registries:

  • Statistics Norway receives data about wage earners from A-ordningen.
  • Variables such as place of work and industry division are obtained from Enhetsregisteret and the Norwegian Tax Administration
  • Personal characteristics are obtained from the National Registry
  • Information about completed education in the National education database is gathered from registered such as student data held by the Norwegian Social Science Data Services (NSD) and the administrative systems of some higher education institutions. Information about completed upper and lower secondary education is mainly based on data from the counties through the database VIGO.
Not relevant

Interviewers and everyone who works at Statistics Norway have a duty of confidentiality. Statistics Norway has its own data protection officer.

Statistics Norway does not publish figures where there is a risk of identifying individual data about persons or households.

The suppression method is used in these statistics to ensure this.

More information can be found on Statistics Norway’s website under Methods in official statistics, in the ‘Confidentiality’ section.

The general rule is not to publish data if less than 3 individuals are found within a cell or unit in a table. This is to prevent identification of individuals within the statistics.

The statistics are based on A-ordningen.

Some errors might occur due to incorrect reporting of the information (measurement error). Furthermore, errors might occur as the result of data processing conducted at Statistics Norway (processing error).

There are indications of gradual improvement in the reporting to A-ordningen from 2015 to 2016, even though the reporting during the first year of A-ordningen (2015) is acknowledged as having been satisfactory.

More uncertainty is expected in the number of wage earners at a detailed regional level than at a more aggregated level (e.g., the country as a whole).

Regarding information about completed education and educational attainment, errors may occur in the administrative system of educational institutions, in particular with self-reported information from the student or erroneous reporting from the data provider. However, a number of these non-sampling errors will be identified as part of control and revision routines performed by Statistics Norway.

A revision is a planned change to figures that have already been published, for example when releasing final figures as a follow-up to published preliminary figures. See also Statistics Norway’s principles for revisions.

Revisions in previously published seasonally adjusted figures can take place when new observations (or revised previous observations) are included in the basis of calculation. The scope of the revision is usually greatest in the most relevant part (last 1–2 years) of seasonally adjusted time series. A corresponding revision in trends is also typical, particularly at the end of the time series. The extent of the revision of trends and seasonally adjusted figures is partly determined by the revision policy, see Section 4 of the European Statistical System (ESS) Guidelines on Seasonal Adjustment on the Eurostat website. For more information on the revision of seasonally adjusted figures, see the ‘About seasonal adjustment’ section in the relevant statistics.
