Analyses, articles and publications
Facts about education in Norway 2025
The Facts about education publication includes most of the figures on education in Norway – from kindergarten to university.
Municipalities’ expenditures on kindergartens, primary and lower secondary schools. 2023
This report is based on statistics from KOSTRA (Municipality-State-Reporting) for 2023, and examines total operating expenditures, operating expenditures per capita, and operating expenditures per target group.
Houshold payments for kindergarten, January 2024
Statistics Norway produces an annual report on household payments for a full-time place in public and private kindergartens in January each year. The report is based on a census of all kindergartens in Norway, as well as detailed information from all municipalities in Norway.
Facts about education in Norway 2024
The Facts about education publication includes most of the figures on education in Norway – from kindergarten to university.
Child care references 2023
The survey on families’ childcare preferences (BTU-2023)’s goal is to map the different kind of childcare available for children ages 1 through 9.
Free part-time child care in Oslo
This report is the fourth and final follow-up report in a longitudinal study that Statistics Norway is conducting for the Norwegian Directorate of Education. The starting point is a project that provided free half-day child care in certain city districts in Oslo from 2006 and 2007.
Houshold payments for kindergarten, January 2023
Statistics Norway produces an annual report on household payments for a full-time place in public and private kindergartens in January each year. The report is based on a census of all kindergartens in Norway, as well as detailed information from all municipalities in Norway.
Teacher Projections 2020-2040
We project a surplus in 2040 of kindergarten teachers, compulsory school teachers, and teachers in upper secondary education (i.e., subject teachers, vocational teachers, and those with practical pedagogical education), except for those with practical pedagogical education in vocational subjects.
Competence of kindergarten employees
The government's strategy «Kompetanse for fremtidens barnehage» (Kunnskapsdepartementet, 2022) was recently revised for the period 2023-2025, emphasizing the importance of kindergarten staff's competences and competence development. This report provides a mapping of employees in kindergartens with different types of formal education (referred to as competence groups), including a focus on those who are not trained kindergarten teachers or hold an upper secondary trade certificate in Child Care and Youth Work.
Facts about education in Norway 2023
The Facts about education publication includes most of the figures on education in Norway – from kindergarten to university.
Older analyses, articles and publications
for subtopic kindergartens.