Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

Pupils in primary and lower secondary school

The purpose of the statistics is to provide useful information about the state of primary and lower secondary school. The statistics are meant to cover the need of information of both educational authorities and other interested parties.

Updated: 13 December 2024
Next update: Not yet determined

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Primary and lower secondary schools and pupils by ownership. Absolute figures and change in per cent
    Primary and lower secondary schools and pupils by ownership. Absolute figures and change in per cent
    2024Per cent change
    2014 - 20242023 - 2024
    Primary and lower secondary schools, total2 692-6.7-0.7
    Private schools27733.2-0.4
    Public schools2 415-10.1-0.5
    Pupils, total631 3692.0-0.9
    Pupils in private schools31 66054.92.2
    Pupils in public schools599 7090.2-1.0
    Explanation of symbols
  • Primary and lower secondary schools. Pupils in primary and lower secondary school
    Primary and lower secondary schools. Pupils in primary and lower secondary school
    School yearSchools, totalType of schoolPupils
    Primary schoolsCombined schoolsLower secondary schoolsPupils, totalPrimary levelLower secondary level
    20142 8861 656738492618 996430 864188 132
    20152 8671 636738493623 755438 387185 368
    20162 8581 615746497629 275444 638184 637
    20172 8481 601746501633 029447 355185 674
    20182 8301 585741504636 350448 655187 695
    20192 7991 548749502636 250446 218190 032
    20202 7761 539744493635 497443 967191 530
    20212 7611 527741493634 674439 644195 030
    20222 7401 506741493636 934437 855199 079
    20232 7111 477743491637 051434 422202 629
    20242 6921 461738493631 369429 723201 646
    Explanation of symbols
  • Pupils who receive special education. Total number and proportion.
    Pupils who receive special education. Total number and proportion.
    School yearTotal number of pupilsPupils who receive special educationProportion of pupils who recieve special education
    2019636 25048 9397.7
    2020635 49748 6847.7
    2021634 67449 2467.8
    2022636 93449 8147.8
    2023637 05151 2858.1
    2024631 36950 5478.0
    Explanation of symbols
  • Primary and lower secondary pupils and primary and lower secondary schools, by ownership
    Primary and lower secondary pupils and primary and lower secondary schools, by ownership
    Schools, totalPrivate schoolsPupils, totalPupils in private schools
    20142 886208618 99620 436
    20152 867224623 75521 558
    20162 858229629 27520 562
    20172 848235633 02921 703
    20182 830252636 35025 370
    20192 799261636 25027 027
    20202 776267635 49728 100
    20212 761270634 67429 037
    20222 740278636 93430 045
    20232 711278637 05130 986
    20242 692277631 36931 660
    Explanation of symbols
  • Schools and pupils by school size. Per cent
    Schools and pupils by school size. Per cent
    Primary and secondary schoolsPupils
    0-99 pupils100-299 pupils300 pupils or more0-99 pupils100-299 pupils300 pupils or more
    Explanation of symbols
  • Pupils with native language training, bilingual education, adapted education and additional training in Norwegian, by county. 1 October
    Pupils with native language training, bilingual education, adapted education and additional training in Norwegian, by county. 1 October
    Pupils, totalPupils with native language training onlyPupils with native language training and bilingual educationPupils with bilingual education onlyAdapted educationPupils with additional training in Norwegian
    Total631 3692 2531 0198 7241 30549 055
    Østfold35 193:231 16072 618
    Akershus92 2111473720224 503
    Oslo69 196920:714 368
    Innlandet39 01722655111952 838
    Buskerud30 000:10134151 554
    Vestfold28 913:7621161 245
    Telemark19 47813961231 190
    Agder38 967::585272 189
    Rogaland64 800383911 5171284 222
    Vestland76 1181 4861149772325 243
    Møre og Romsdal31 374:143861292 292
    Trøndelag - Trööndelage54 4395721858043033 573
    Nordland - Nordlánnda26 06421174651401 730
    Troms - Romsa - Tromssa17 597746120514944
    Finnmark - Finnmárku - Finmarkku7 784:302567542
    Explanation of symbols
  • Pupils with native language training and additional training in Norwegian
    Pupils with native language training and additional training in Norwegian
    School yearPupils, totalPupils with mother language training and/or bilingual educationPupils with additional training in Norwegian
    2020635 49710 62439 808
    2021634 67410 37439 725
    2022636 93411 37243 949
    2023637 05113 20048 046
    2024631 36913 30149 055
    Explanation of symbols
  • Pupils, by official form of Norwegian and county. 1 October
    Pupils, by official form of Norwegian and county. 1 October
    PupilsOfficial form of Norwegian "bokmål"Official form of Norwegian "nynorsk"Official form of Norwegian "samisk"
    Total631 369552 53570 889913
    Østfold35 19334 42410
    Akershus92 21190 98731
    Oslo69 19667 96223
    Innlandet39 01736 0662 7563
    Buskerud30 00029 3744220
    Vestfold28 91328 53100
    Telemark19 47817 5201 7561
    Agder38 96737 2291 3280
    Rogaland64 80049 93213 6140
    Vestland76 11839 76036 1710
    Møre og Romsdal31 37416 41814 8310
    Trøndelag - Trööndelage54 43853 764427
    Nordland - Nordlánnda26 06426 033030
    Troms - Romsa - Tromssa17 59717 3140101
    Finnmark - Finnmárku - Finmarkku7 7847 0030747
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 13 December 2023.

Education Act. The Education Act regulates both primary, lower secondary and upper secondary education, including education of adults on corresponding educational levels. The Education Act is in force from the school year of 1999/00.

Primary and lower secondary education. Primary and lower secondary education is obligatory to attend for all. It is also a given right to attend public primary and lower secondary school. The municipality is responsible for the fulfilment of this right for children and youths under the age of 16, according to the Education Act section 13-1. Children are usually enrolled in primary schools the calendar year they complete 6 years of age. Lower secondary school is usually finished after the 10th grade. Primary and lower secondary education includes education of persons above primary and lower secondary school age, that receives education on corresponding levels.

School year. The time allocated to teaching shall not be less than 38 weeks within a framework of 45 consecutive weeks during the school year. The school year normally starts on August 1st each year.

Pupils in primary and lower secondary school. Children and young people that, in accordance with the Education Act section 2-1 have the right and obligation to undertake primary and lower secondary education. This usually applies to children and young people from 6 to 15 years of age. It also includes persons older than 15 who get education on primary or lower secondary school level.

Grade. The grades in primary and lower secondary schools span from 1st to 10th grade. All pupils are transferred to the next grade each year.

Primary/lower secondary. Primary school consists of 1st to 7th grade. Lower secondary school consists of 8th to 10th grade.

Primary and lower secondary schools. Primary and lower secondary schools are municipal, county municipal or state schools for primary and lower secondary education, according to the Education Act section 13-1, or private (chartered) primary and lower secondary schools approved under the Education Act.

Official form of Norwegian. The official form of Norwegian (bokmål, nynorsk or samisk) used by the school.

Minority language pupils. Refers to persons with a different mother tongue than Norwegian or Sami. Mother tongue refers to the language that is used in a person's home.

Mother language training. Mother language training is training in the mother tongue of minority language pupils.

Additional training in Norwegian (for minority language pupils). Additional training in Norwegian for minority language pupils is either an additional training in Norwegian for minority language pupils, or training in Norwegian for minority language pupils as a separate subject, or a combination of the above.

Special Eduacation. Refers to the Education Act § 5-1, which states that pupils who are not able to gain from ordinary education are entitled to special education.

The Norwegian Standard Classification of Education, which was created by Statistics Norway in 1970, groups the educational activity. The standard has been revised; the latest version is from 2000. The type of educational institution is classified by the International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities (NOS C 182).

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