Parents paid lower share of kindergarten costs
barnregnp, Accounts for private kindergartens, state subsidies, parental payment, hourly rate, operating costs, revenuesEducation, Kindergartens, Education, Svalbard

Accounts for private kindergartens2004



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Parents paid lower share of kindergarten costs

Parental payments accounted for 34 per cent of gross operating expenditures in private kindergartens in 2004. This compares with 42 per cent in 2003. This follows the trend from last year where state subsidy became the largest source of income for the kindergartens.

State subsidies accounted for 61 per cent of gross operating expenditures, whereas municipal subsidies accounted for 10 per cent. In 2004, the total revenues for private kindergartens amounted to 109 per cent of gross expenditures excluding investments.

National level

The hourly cost for the 0-2 age group in ordinary private kindergartens was NOK 57.55. This compares with NOK 37.20 for family day-care centres. The hourly costs for three-year-old children were NOK 43.16 and NOK 27.90 respectively. For the 4-6 age group the costs were NOK 28.77 and NOK 18.60 respectively.

Troms county with highest costs

The 2004 figures for ordinary kindergartens show that kindergartens in Troms had the highest costs for the 0-2 age group, at NOK 63.21 per hour. Vest-Agder had the lowest costs, at NOK 51.51 per hour. Family day-care centre costs were highest in Finnmark and lowest in Sør-Trøndelag
