Increase in number of students
Education;Immigration and immigrants
utuvh, Students in higher education, educational institution, specialist field (for example social studies, law, humanities and arts), students abroad, countries of destination, type of institution, ownership, immigrants, norwegian-born with immigrant parents, parents' educational attainment levelTertiary education, Education, Immigration and immigrants, Education

Students in higher education1 October 2011, preliminary figures



This statistics is no longer published annually, preliminary figures. See annually publishing.

Increase in number of students

Preliminary figures show an increase in the number of students at Norwegian universities and colleges from about 227 700 in 2010 to 236 100 in 2011; an increase of nearly 4 per cent.

Students by type of institution and gender. 2011

The number of female students has increased the most; by 4 600. The corresponding number for male students was about 3 800.

The universities had the largest increase in students, from 92 900 in 2010 to 101 400 in 2011; a growth of 9 per cent. Some of the growth is due to Bodø University College’s new status as a university as of 1 January 2011. A total of about 6 200 students were registered at University of Nordland in autumn 2011.

Among the universities, Norwegian University of Science and Technology had the largest growth in students numbers, by approximately 1 000.

There were about 86 500 students registered at state university colleges in 2011. This is a decrease from 2010, mainly due to the fact that Bodø University College is no longer part of this group. Bodø University College excluded, there has been an increase of nearly 3 000 students.
