Statistikk innhold
Statistics about
Credits and graduations from higher education
The statistics on graduations and credits from higher education include all completed degrees and credits attained during the period from October 1 to September 30. Completed degrees and credits attained from abroad are not included.
Selected figures from this statistics
- Graduations and credits awarded by universities and colleges in NorwayDownload table as ...Graduations and credits awarded by universities and colleges in Norway
2012-2013 2022-2023 Total Female share Total Female share Graduations Total 42 127 61.0 58 442 59.9 Of which Bachelor's degrees 24 739 63.0 33 125 61.2 Master's degrees1 10 705 55.3 19 967 58.2 Ph.D.s 1 549 47.8 1 504 52.7 Total number of students 273 051 60.1 312 910 60.5 Credits awarded, per cent 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 0 credits 14.3 12.6 13.9 12.7 1-29 credits 20.5 20.0 17.8 17.6 30-59 credits 29.0 30.2 27.9 28.2 60 credits or more 36.2 37.2 40.5 41.5 1Include both 2-year and 5-year master’s degrees. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Graduations in selected programmes and immigration categoryDownload table as ...Graduations in selected programmes and immigration category
2022-2023 Numbers Per cent Number of graduates Immigrants Norwegian-born to immigrant parents Other population Males Bachelor's studies 12 841 11.0 4.9 84.1 Of these Bachelor degree, pre-school-/kindergarten teacher training 330 15.8 4.5 79.7 Bachelor degree,vocational teacher, foundation programme 222 8.6 3.2 88.3 Bachelor degree, engineering, foundation programme 1 976 13.0 4.8 82.3 Bachelor degree, nursing, foundation programme 577 19.6 2.9 77.5 Bachelor degree, Business and Administration subjects 3 134 9.8 5.6 84.6 Master's studies1 8 339 15.2 3.4 81.4 Of these Master degree, law 313 3.2 5.8 91.1 Master degree, pharmacy 28 46.4 10.7 42.9 Master degree, odontology 35 28.6 8.6 62.9 Business and economics graduate/Master degree, economics and administration 777 6.7 4.2 89.1 Master degree, teacher training 299 6.4 2.0 91.6 Master degree, primary and lower secondary teacher education 622 1.9 2.6 95.5 Master of Technologi/Graduate engineering degree 1 683 14.8 4.3 80.9 Professional education (5.5 - 6 years) 250 6.0 4.4 89.6 degree 167 6.6 6.6 86.8 Cand.theol. degree 24 . . 100.0 Cand.psychol. degree 59 6.8 . 93.2 degree (Veterinary Science) . . . . Doctoral degrees2 712 49.6 1.5 48.9 Females Bachelor's studies 20 284 11.3 4.5 84.3 Of these Bachelor degree, pre-school-/kindergarten teacher training 1 906 13.5 3.5 83.0 Bachelor degree,vocational teacher, foundation programme 230 9.6 3.5 87.0 Bachelor degree, engineering, foundation programme 561 13.9 5.9 80.2 Bachelor degree, nursing, foundation programme 3 994 10.3 2.9 86.8 Bachelor degree, Business and Administration subjects 3 195 11.0 4.9 84.2 Master's studies1 11 628 14.5 3.3 82.2 Of these Master degree, law 620 5.2 3.7 91.1 Master degree, pharmacy 93 32.3 19.4 48.4 Master degree, odontology 102 18.6 15.7 65.7 Business and economics graduate/Master degree, economics and administration 548 8.4 4.6 87.0 Master degree, teacher training 495 6.9 4.6 88.5 Master degree, primary and lower secondary teacher education 1 507 2.6 2.4 95.0 Master of Technologi/Graduate engineering degree 751 15.2 6.8 78.0 Professional education (5.5 - 6 years) 698 6.3 5.4 88.3 degree 428 6.1 6.8 87.1 Cand.theol. degree 13 7.7 . 92.3 Cand.psychol. degree 244 6.1 3.7 90.2 degree (Veterinary Science) 13 15.4 . 84.6 Doctoral degrees2 792 35.4 1.0 63.6 1Include both 2-year and 5-year master's degrees. 2Doctoral degrees Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Field of education and level for graduations in higher educationDownload table as ...Field of education and level for graduations in higher education
2012-2013 2022-2023 Total Percentage women Total Percentage women Level of degree and field of education Total 42 127 61.0 58 442 59.9 Tertiary education, short and medium1 28 709 63.1 35 173 61.0 Humanities and arts 2 398 62.3 2 794 61.2 Education 6 446 73.3 4 970 72.7 Social sciences and law 2 418 62.4 4 343 65.0 Business and administration 4 473 54.4 6 494 50.4 Natural sciences, vocational and technical subjects 3 867 25.6 5 526 30.8 Health, welfare and sport 7 744 84.0 9 400 81.0 Primary industries 126 50.0 318 59.1 Transport and communications, safety and security and other services 1 088 27.9 1 193 37.6 Unspecified field of study 149 60.4 135 60.0 Tertiary education, long2 11 869 57.8 21 741 58.7 Humanities and arts 1 360 63.8 1 636 61.2 Education 965 78.4 3 908 72.3 Social sciences and law 2 407 63.8 3 337 66.4 Business and administration 1 846 49.2 3 887 51.6 Natural sciences, vocational and technical subjects 3 017 39.6 5 318 38.8 Health, welfare and sport 2 001 74.1 3 192 77.3 Primary industries 117 53.0 137 65.0 Transport and communications, safety and security and other services 156 32.7 326 28.8 Unspecified field of study - . . . Doctoral studies3 1 549 47.8 1 528 53.0 Humanities and arts 124 49.2 141 60.3 Education 41 65.9 50 86.0 Social sciences and law 183 61.7 163 60.7 Business and administration 29 51.7 76 43.4 Natural sciences, vocational and technical subjects 651 35.8 570 37.0 Health, welfare and sport 504 57.5 482 66.8 Primary industries - . 10 40.0 Transport and communications, safety and security and other services 16 12.5 26 26.9 Unspecified field of study 1 0.0 10 60.0 1Including graduations from programmes 4 years or less but also 2 years or longer. 2Including graduations from programmes longer than 4 years. Awarded doctoral degrees are not included. 3Doctoral degrees Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Immigration category and field of education for graduations in higher educationDownload table as ...Immigration category and field of education for graduations in higher education
2022-2023 Total Immigrants Norwegian-born to immigrant parents Other population Per cent Total Immigrants Norwegian-born to immigrant parents Other population Total 58 442 7 699 2 328 48 415 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Humanities and arts 4 571 829 107 3 635 7.8 10.8 4.6 7.5 Education 8 928 862 326 7 740 15.3 11.2 14.0 16.0 Social sciences and law 7 843 873 329 6 641 13.4 11.3 14.1 13.7 Business and administration 10 457 1 179 463 8 815 17.9 15.3 19.9 18.2 Natural sciences, vocational and technical subjects 11 414 2 154 576 8 684 19.5 28.0 24.7 17.9 Health, welfare and sport 13 074 1 631 491 10 952 22.4 21.2 21.1 22.6 Primary industries 465 37 4 424 0.8 0.5 0.2 0.9 Transport and communications, safety and security and other services 1 545 119 31 1 395 2.6 1.5 1.3 2.9 Unspecified field of study 145 15 1 129 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.3 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Age groups and level of degree for graduations in higher educationDownload table as ...Age groups and level of degree for graduations in higher education
2012-2013 2021-2022 2022-2023 Graduates Percentage women Graduates Percentage women Graduates Percentage women Level and age Total 42 127 61.0 57 318 60.2 58 442 59.9 Tertiary education, short and medium1 28 709 63.1 35 479 61.5 35 173 61.0 19-24 years 15 567 65.1 21 324 63.7 21 211 63.2 25-29 years 6 523 56.5 8 128 54.5 7 898 54.6 30-34 years 2 449 59.5 2 646 59.1 2 605 58.3 35-39 years 1 567 65.5 1 385 64.5 1 445 62.3 40-44 years 1 242 70.8 897 68.3 937 65.6 45-49 years 839 71.9 598 68.1 611 63.0 50-54 years 371 64.2 347 67.1 302 67.9 55-59 years 121 56.2 122 60.7 130 62.3 60 years or older 30 46.7 32 43.8 34 52.9 Tertiary education, long2 11 869 57.8 20 307 58.7 21 741 58.7 19-24 years 2 630 55.9 4 793 60.5 5 537 59.7 25-29 years 5 739 56.5 9 425 55.0 9 881 55.1 30-34 years 1 389 53.3 2 383 57.2 2 488 57.4 35-39 years 648 57.3 1 246 61.2 1 298 60.9 40-44 years 526 66.3 955 65.7 943 69.5 45-49 years 433 70.4 743 70.9 796 71.9 50-54 years 318 76.1 508 75.2 514 71.6 55-59 years 130 77.7 191 68.1 226 68.1 60 years or older 56 58.9 62 62.9 56 64.3 Second stage of tertiary education3 1 549 47.8 1 532 50.8 1 528 53.0 25-29 years 224 41.5 209 43.5 240 37.1 30-34 years 559 44.2 595 45.7 516 48.1 35-39 years 305 48.9 274 55.5 319 57.1 40-44 years 207 51.7 186 61.3 179 63.1 45-49 years 102 47.1 130 50.8 141 61.0 50-54 years 68 61.8 83 62.7 77 72.7 55-59 years 49 67.3 30 56.7 31 61.3 60 years or older 35 62.9 25 60.0 25 68.0 1Including graduations from programmes 4 years or less but also 2 years or longer. 2Including graduations from programmes longer than 4 years. Awarded doctoral degrees are not included. 3Doctoral degrees Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Parents’ level of education and level of degree for graduations in higher educationDownload table as ...Parents’ level of education and level of degree for graduations in higher education
2012-2013 2021-2022 2022-2023 Total Total Total Level and parents´level of education Total 42 127 57 318 58 442 Tertiary education, 4 years or less1 28 709 35 479 35 173 Mother or father has long tertiary education 3 573 5 576 5 932 Mother or father has short tertiary education 10 007 13 697 13 863 Mother or father has upper secondary education 11 723 12 039 11 196 Mother or father has primary and lower secondary education 1 865 2 084 1 977 Not stated 1 541 2 083 2 205 Tertiary education, more than 4 years2 11 869 20 307 21 741 Mother or father has long tertiary education 2 561 4 373 4 778 Mother or father has short tertiary education 3 794 7 397 8 048 Mother or father has upper secondary education 3 124 5 330 5 366 Mother or father has primary and lower secondary education 432 690 711 Not stated 1 958 2 517 2 838 Doctoral studies3 1 549 1 532 1 528 Mother or father has long tertiary education 357 319 330 Mother or father has short tertiary education 292 334 326 Mother or father has upper secondary education 256 215 185 Mother or father has primary and lower secondary education 31 20 30 Not stated 613 644 657 1Including graduations from programmes 4 years or less but also 2 years or longer. 2Including graduations from programmes longer than 4 years. Awarded doctoral degrees are not included 3Doctoral degrees Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ...
About the statistics
The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 28 November 2024.
Completed education: A student is considered to have completed an education when the educational institution has issued a diploma or somehow approved that he/she has fulfilled the requirements for completing the education in question.
Credits points: Students are awarded with credits when they have met the requirements for passing a course.
Students: Students er registered students as of October 1st, as well as students who are awarded with credits in the course of a school year.
Academic year: A full academic year corresponds to 60 credits at universities and colleges in Norway.
Age: Estimated as of December 31.
Type of institution: According to the Standard Industrial Classification of 2007. The institutions are classified as Universities, Specialized University Institutions, and University Colleges, where University Colleges are again divided into three main groups: State University Colleges, Military Colleges and “other university colleges.”
Ownership: Educational institutions are classified as either public or private.
Educational activity: According to the Norwegian Standard Classification of Education (NUS2000). Programmes are classified according to their level and field of study.
Highest educational attainment of parents: Parental educational attainment is divided into four categories: (1) Primary and lower secondary education, (2) Upper secondary education, (3) Higher education, short (at least two years, but also 4 years or less), and (4) Higher education, long (more than four years). Parental educational attainment is defined by that of the parents with the highest level of education. For example, if the parental educational attainment of a student is “(3) Higher education, short,” it implies that at least one of the parents has education at this level. Cases where there is no information on the level of education of any of the parents falls into the “Unspecified” group. See also the definitions of educational level.
Immigrants: Persons born abroad of two foreign-born parents and four foreign-born grandparents.
Norwegian-born to immigrant parents: Persons who are born in Norway of two parents born abroad, and in addition have four grandparents born abroad.
Country background: Constructed on the basis of information about the country of birth for three generations and refers to private, or mother's, or father's, or grandparents' foreign country of birth. For people born abroad this is (with few exceptions) their own native land. For people born in Norway this is their parents' country of birth. In cases where the parents have different countries of birth, the mother's country of birth is chosen.
Educational activities are grouped by the Norwegian Standard Classification of Education which was established in 1970 by Statistics Norway and later revised in 1973, 1989 and 2000. Educational institutions are classified as being higher education by the Standard Industrial Classification.
For international purposes, the ISCED 2011 is used (International Standard Classification of Education).