Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

Completion rates of students in higher education

The statistics on completion rates in higher education is based on a cohort of new students or those who have completed an education at a certain level in a given year, who are followed to see how they have moved through the education system until completed education.

Updated: 6 June 2024
Next update: 5 June 2025

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Completion rates for new entrants
    Completion rates for new entrants
    Period1 New entrants, totalCompletion rates (per cent)
    Theoretical duration2 Theoretical duration + 2 years
    3-year bachelor programmes2018-202336 24856.415.6
    5-year master programmes2016-20235 81350.816.4
    1½ and 2-year master programmes2019-202316 41348.918.1
    1The period follows the students from the year they started their education until two years after the earliest possible completion.
    2Theoretical duration refers to the expected duration of an education. A bachelors programme (180 ECTS credits), for example, has a theoretical duration of 3 years.
    Explanation of symbols
  • 3-year bachelor programmes
    3-year bachelor programmes1
    NumberPer cent
    TotalCompleted within 3 years2 Completed within 5 years2
    Both sexes
    Total36 24856.415.6
    Immigrants4 21844.718.2
    Norwegian-born to immigrant parents1 65746.020.4
    Other population30 37358.515.0
    Total15 76651.814.3
    Immigrants1 75241.916.6
    Norwegian-born to immigrant parents78743.219.6
    Other population13 22753.613.7
    Total20 48259.916.7
    Immigrants2 46646.819.4
    Norwegian-born to immigrant parents87048.521.1
    Other population17 14662.316.0
    1It consists of students who started a study programme for the first time in the period 1.10.yyyy-1 - 30.09.yyyy (e.g. for the start year 2015, the start period is 1.10.2015 - 30.09.2016).
    2Within 3 years implies up to 40 months; within 5 years implies between 41 and 64 months.
    Explanation of symbols
  • 5-year master programmes
    5-year master programmes1
    NumberPer cent
    TotalCompleted within 5 years2 Completed within 7 years2
    Both sexes
    Total5 81350.816.4
    Norwegian-born to immigrant parents27749.514.1
    Other population5 12751.516.8
    Total2 63548.915.4
    Norwegian-born to immigrant parents12348.06.5
    Other population2 35249.516.1
    Total3 17852.417.2
    Norwegian-born to immigrant parents15450.620.1
    Other population2 77553.217.4
    1It consists of students who started a study programme for the first time in the period 1.10.yyyy-1 - 30.09.yyyy (e.g. for the start year 2014, the start period is 1.10.2013 - 30.09.2014).
    2Within 5 years implies up to 64 months; within 7 years implies between 65 and 88 months.
    Explanation of symbols
  • 1½ and 2-year master programmes
    1½ and 2-year master programmes1
    NumberPer cent
    TotalCompleted within 2 years2 Completed within 4 years2
    Both sexes16 41348.918.1
    Immigrants2 99047.119.0
    Norwegian-born to immigrant parents48548.018.6
    Other population12 93849.317.9
    Total6 90351.116.6
    Immigrants1 36748.617.6
    Norwegian-born to immigrant parents24148.516.6
    Other population5 29551.816.4
    Total9 51047.319.2
    Immigrants1 62345.820.2
    Norwegian-born to immigrant parents24447.520.5
    Other population7 64347.618.9
    1It consists of students who started a study programme for the first time in the period 1.10.yyyy-1 - 30.09.yyyy (e.g. for the start year 2017, the start period is 1.10.2016 - 30.09.2017).
    2Within 2 years implies up to 28 months; within 4 years implies between 29 and 52 months.
    Explanation of symbols
  • PhD-programmes
    TotalPer cent
    Completed within 3 yearsCompleted within 5 yearsStill in the same course of studyDropped out
    Males1 01816.436.123.224.4
    Females1 12311.732.831.723.9
    Both sexes
    Field of education
    Fields of education, total2 14113.934.327.724.1
    Humanities and arts1858.637.328.125.9
    Social sciences and law26010.030.425.034.6
    Business and administration11713.724.841.020.5
    Natural sciences, vocational and technical subjects77916.741.219.422.7
    Health, welfare and sport65815.229.235.620.1
    Transport and communications, safety and security and other services2412.545.88.333.3
    Unspecified field of study7--14.385.7
    1It consists of persons who started a Phd-programme for the first time in the period 1.10.yyyy-1 - 30.09.yyyy (e.g. for the start year 2015, the start period is 1.10.2014 - 30.09.2015). Within 3 years implies up to 40 months; within 5 years implies between 41 and 64 months.
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 23 November 2023.

Enrolled students

Students registered at a Norwegian educational institution.

Completed Education

Educational activities completed with a pass grade.

Calculation of number of years

1 year = 16 months or less

2 years = 17-28 months

3 years = 29-40 months

4 years = 41-52 months

5 years = 53-64 months

6 years = 65-76 months

7 years = 77-88 months

8 years = 89-100 months

9 years = 101-112 months

10 years = 113-124 months

11 years = 125-136 months

12 years = 137-148 months

13 years = 149 months or more

Highest educational attainment of parents

Parental educational attainment encompasses all of the following levels:

  1. Primary and lower secondary education
  2. Upper secondary education
  3. Higher education, short (at least two years but also 4 years or less)
  4. Higher education, long (more than four years)

See also definitions of highest level of education attained.

Educational activities are grouped by the Norwegian Standard Classification of Education which was established in 1970 by Statistics Norway and later revised in 1973, 1989 and 2000.

For international puprposes, the ISCED 2011 is used (International Standard Classification of Education).

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