Fewer students above 25 years of age
Education;Immigration and immigrants
utuvh, Students in higher education, educational institution, specialist field (for example social studies, law, humanities and arts), students abroad, countries of destination, type of institution, ownership, immigrants, norwegian-born with immigrant parents, parents' educational attainment levelTertiary education, Education, Immigration and immigrants, Education

Students in higher education1 October 2007, preliminary figures



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Fewer students above 25 years of age

Preliminary figures show that 208 000 students were enrolled in tertiary education institutions in 2007. This is a decrease of 3 000 compared to 2006.

There was a 1.5 per cent decrease in registered students from 2006 to 2007. There has been a decline in both female and male students, but the decline is largest for men. While there was a 2.9 per cent decrease for men, the decrease for women was only 0.6 per cent.

Largest decline for students above 25 years

From 2006 to 2007, the decline in total student numbers for men and women was largest for students aged 26 or more. However, the decline in this cohort was largest among men (6 per cent). For women in the same cohort, the decline was 2 per cent.

There was an increase of almost 600 female students under 26 years, while there was a small decrease in the number of male students in this cohort.

University of Oslo faced largest decrease

As of 1 October 2007, the University of Oslo had almost 2 000 fewer registered students than at the same time in 2006. The University of Bergen had almost 1 400 fewer students. In comparison, the University of Stavanger had 700 more students in 2007 than in 2006.

Among the university colleges, Telemark University College and the Norwegian Police University College had the largest increase in student numbers with 8 per cent and 37 per cent respectively.
