Huge increase in foreign direct investments
External economy
diu, Foreign direct investments, stocksForeign assets and liabilities , External economy

Foreign direct investments, stocks1998-2001



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Huge increase in foreign direct investments

At the end of 2001, Norway's stocks of foreign direct investment (FDI) amounted to NOK 471.7 billion, an increase of NOK 98.7 billion, or 26 per cent, since 2000. Almost 60 per cent of the total outward direct investment was in EU countries. Enterprises involved in oil and gas exploration, manufacturing, mining and quarrying represented 60 per cent of the investments.

Norway's part of the share capital in the foreign enterprises amounted to NOK 361.6 billion at the end of 2001, while other types of equity amounted to NOK 67.1 billion. Net claims stood at NOK 42.9 billion.

Foreign direct investments. Selected countries. 1998-2001. NOK million

Direct investments, equity and share capital. 1995-2001. NOK million

84 per cent of the outward direct investments were placed in European countries and North America. In total, 62 per cent of the investments went to Great Britain, USA, Sweden, Denmark, Canada and the Netherlands.

The return on foreign direct investment is defined as the investor's share of retained earnings, plus dividend payments and net interest income. In 2001, this amounted to NOK 22 billion.

The figures have been obtained from the Directorate of Taxes and are based on accounts figures. The survey covers foreign enterprises in which a Norwegian investor holds 10 per cent or more of the enterprise's equity. The accounts figures represent the book value of the enterprises. The FDI statistics is a continuation of Norges Bank's statistics from 1988 to 2000 and replaces previous estimates for the years 1999 and 2000.

Historical overview: http://www.norges-bank.no/front/statistikk/en/invnorskiutl/erview :
