Stability in net assets abroad
External economy
forutland, Foreign assets and liabilities, net assets, IIP, international investment position, foreign debt, foreign assets, BoP, balance of paymentsForeign assets and liabilities , External economy
Norwegian foreign assets and liabilities

Foreign assets and liabilitiesQ3 2015



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Stability in net assets abroad

Norwegian foreign net assets increased between the 2nd quarter and the 3rd quarter of 2015 by NOK 82 billion. After the increase of net assets in 2013 and 2014, the figures are relatively stable in the three quarters of 2015.

International investment position. Latest quarter. NOK million
Opening balanceTransactionsOther changesClosing balance
Foreign assets12 255 556227 492194 42712 677 475
Direct investment1 758 5924 28018 8241 781 696
Portofolio investment8 342 98986 97871 5178 501 484
Other investments1 639 112160 25773 5861 872 955
Reserve assets (IMF breakdown)514 863-24 02330 500521 340
Liabilities6 608 873196 123143 3396 948 335
Direct investment1 697 682-38 64143 1221 702 163
Portofolio investment2 817 36248 98531 4642 897 811
Other investments2 093 829185 77968 7532 348 361
NET ASSETS5 646 68331 36951 0885 729 140
Figure 1. Development in Norway's foreign assets and liabilities

In total, Norwegian assets abroad amounted to NOK 12 677 billion in the 3rd quarter of 2015. The foreign liabilities in the same period amounted to NOK 6 948 billion. This gives a net assets balance of NOK 5 729 billion. Changes in assets and liabilities positions are split into transactions and other changes. The transactions are published in the balance of payments.

Net other changes amounted to NOK 51 billion in the 3rd quarter. Gross other changes were positive both on the asset and liability side this quarter. This can largely be explained by currency changes during the period.

Net portfolio investment showed an increase in the positions of NOK 78 billion between the 2nd and 3rd quarter. The reduction of equity and investment fund shares was driven by negative market prices, and net positions decreased by NOK 85 billion. The increase in debt securities was mainly due to positive exchange rates, and the net position increased by NOK 163 billion.

RevisionsOpen and readClose

Revision of household assets abroad. The use of new data sources has led to a revision of household assets abroad dating back to the 1st quarter of 2012. This mainly affects foreign direct investment negatively, whilst there is a positive effect on portfolio investment.

Due to new deposit codes reported for the sector deposit-taking corporations, there has been a revision of short-term and long-term deposits. Data are revised dating back to the 1st quarter of 2012.