Increase in Norway’s assets and liabilities
Norway’s net foreign assets increased from NOK 2 571 billion in 2011 to NOK 2 905 billion in 2012. This amounted to 100 per cent and 94 per cent of the GDP at the end of 2012 and the end of 2011 respectively.
2010 | 2011 | 20121 | |
1Prelimenary figures. | |||
Norway's foreign assets | 6 896 | 7 295 | 7 848 |
Direct investment | 1 107 | 1 242 | 1 317 |
Portfolio investment | 4 289 | 4 442 | 4 990 |
Equity securities | 2 392 | 2 399 | 2 790 |
Debt securities | 1 897 | 2 043 | 2 201 |
Other investment | 1 175 | 1 299 | 1 236 |
Reserve assets | 326 | 312 | 304 |
Norway's foreign liabilites | 4 628 | 4 724 | 4 943 |
Direct investment | 1 028 | 1 094 | 1 180 |
Portfolio investment | 1 967 | 2 043 | 2 204 |
Equity securities | 512 | 453 | 492 |
Debt securities | 1 455 | 1 591 | 1 711 |
Other investment | 1 633 | 1 587 | 1 560 |
Net foreign assets | 2 268 | 2 571 | 2 905 |
Net foreign assets in per cent of GDP | 89 | 94 | 100 |

Norway’s foreign assets equalled NOK 7 848 billion at the end of 2012. This corresponds to an increase of 8 per cent from 2011. Norway’s portfolio investment abroad was equal to NOK 4 990 billion at the end of 2012, and amounted to 64 per cent of Norway’s total assets abroad.
Total liabilities were equal to NOK 4 943 billion at the end of 2012, which corresponds to an increase of 5 per cent from 2011. Portfolio investment from abroad was NOK 2 204 billion at the end of 2012, and thus equalled 45 per cent of total investment in Norway from abroad.
Planned changes in the national accounts statisticsOpen and readClose
New revised figures for national accounts and related statistics will be published in November and December 2014. Statistics Norway complies with international guidelines in its preparation of national accounts and statistics on foreign affairs. New international guidelines have now been issued for these statistics. Statistics Norway is currently in the process of implementing the changes, in addition to new source data for some of the statistics.
Planned changes in 'balance of payments' and 'international investment position'Open and readClose
Statistics Norway is implementing new international guidelines for Balance of Payments (BoP) and International Investment Position (IIP). From December 2014 the sixth edition of the IMF’s manual, Balance of Payments and the International Investment Position manual (BPM6), are being implemented in Norway and in the rest of Europe. At the same time, Eurostat has amended the BoP regulation. Norway is obliged to follow these new guidelines according to the EEA Agreement.
The most important changes from December 2014 will be:
- The international investment position statistics will be published quarterly, instead of annually. This is in addition to the quarterly Balance of Payments statistics on transactions
- New sector standards in compliance with ESA 2010
- Direct investment in the financial account to change accounting principle for company group loans
- Income from direct investment to be separated from other income
The statistics is now published as International accounts.
Additional information
The International Investment Position (IIP) is the balance sheet of the stock of external financial assets and liabilities.
Statistics Norway's Information Centre
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