External economy
The external trade statistics describe the development in Norwegian foreign trade, measured in value and quantity. It gives information about total figures as well as by country.

External trade in goods2015, preliminary figures


Imports and exports of goods, by groups of end use (BEC)
NOK MillionShare in per centNOK MillionShare in per cent
1The figures show supplies and consumables to the Norwegian part of the continental shelf and to foreign ships and aeroplanes. Due to the large range of goods, we have established our own commodity numbers for publishing.
Total614 091100.0847 744100.0
Goods for fixed capital formation133 86921.853 6336.3
Means of trandsport, excl. passenger motor vehicles25 6894.28 5901.0
Other goods for fixed capital formation, excl. ships and oil platforms108 18017.645 0435.3
Intermediate comsumption205 52133.5181 92621.5
Food11 5901.92 3910.3
Parts for machinery and transport equipment68 58411.253 3836.3
Other intermediate consumption125 34720.4126 15214.9
Building and construction articles69 19411.329 9153.5
Energy products26 2114.3491 73458.0
Gasolines, diesel oils and light destillates8 3781.424 2862.9
Crude oil and remaining mineral fuels16 3272.7463 34054.7
Electric current1 5070.24 1080.5
Consumer goods139 27122.790 13710.6
Durable consumer goods27 3954.53 9490.5
Whereof transport equipment, excl. passenger cars5 1750.84710.1
Semi-durable consumer goods38 2596.22 7100.3
Non-durable consumer goods73 61612.083 4779.8
Whereof food38 1416.275 7528.9
Passenger cars39 5426.43990.0
Unclassified goods14820.100.0