Political parties received NOK 50 million in election campaign contributions. The Labour Party and the Conservatives received 80 per cent of the total contributions.

Election campaign contribution2015


About the statistics


Name and topic

Name: Election campaign contribution
Topic: Elections

Responsible division

Division for Population Statistics

Definitions of the main concepts and variables

Registered political party: A political party that is registered in the Party register at the Brønnøysund Register Centre.

Election campaign contribution means a reported contribution of more than NOK 10 000received during the period 1 January up to and including the last Friday before election day in election years.

A contribution is defined as a donation of money and/or the value of goods, services and other equivalent services received without compensation or at a reduced price. This does not include any kind of voluntary work (Party Act § 19 (3)).

Contributions from private donors: All election campaign contributions donated by private donors.

Contributions from employers’ and labour organisations: All election campaign contributions donated by such organisations.

Contributions from commercial enterprises: All election campaign contributions donated by commercial enterprises.

Contributions from others: All election campaign contributions donated by associations, non-profit and/or non-governmental organisations, foundations, institutions or any other donors.

Contributions from others (2013 publication): All election campaign contributions donated by commercial enterprises, associations, non-profit and/or non-governmental organisations, foundations, institutions or any other donors. (In StatBank, contributions “from commercial enterprises” and “from others” are shown separately for both years, however not in the article for 2013).

Standard classifications

Not relevant

Administrative information

Regional level

Country, counties, municipalities

Frequency and timeliness

Every two years in connection with parliamentary and municipal elections

International reporting

Not relevan


Collected data are stored at Statistics Norway. Reported contributions are published on http://www.partifinansiering.no/a/


Background and purpose

This publication is based on the election campaign contribution reports for 2013 and 2015 from the registered parties. The Political Parties Act was revised on 1 February 2013, with a requirement for all political organisations to report election campaign contributions (see definition) in election years to a central register. All organisational levels of the registered political parties are obliged to report the contributions received within four weeks and not later than the last Friday before the Election Day.

Users and applications

The statistics have a wide spectrum of users and applications, such as the mass media, research institutions, educational establishments, political parties and individuals.

Equal treatment of users

Not relevant

Coherence with other statistics

Political parties' financing

Legal authority

Political Parties Act §§ 18, 19 and Statistics Act §§ 2-1, 2-2

EEA reference

Not relevant



The data collection includes all organisational levels of the registered political parties in Norway, i.e. central level, county level, municipal level and central youth level and youth organisations at county level. The unit in the statistics is political parties.

Data sources and sampling

The source for the statistics is the Party finance register, which was established in accordance with the Political Parties Act. In accordance with the Political Parties Act § 18 (4), the register includes a summary of all donors and contributions exceeding NOK 10 000 that parties at municipal, county and central level have received during election years. The register also contains income statements from all registered parties at the different levels and full annual accounts from those units which have had annual income of NOK 12 000 or more excluding government subsidies (before 2013 the limit was NOK 10 000). Further it includes a summary of all donors that have contributed during the fiscal year with money or gifts exceeding NOK 12 000 to parties at municipal level, NOK 23 000 to parties at county level and NOK 35 000 to parties at central level (§ 20 (1), limits refer to the fiscal year 2013 and later). The register also includes any donors with whom the party has entered formal political or commercial arrangements.

Total count.

Collection of data, editing and estimations

Neither the registrar nor Statistics Norway, as the producer of the statistics, carries out any editing of the data. Thus the allocation of donations to the different groups of donors is according to the political party units themselves.

The statistical information is a calculation of the contributions reported from units at the various organisational levels to the degree these units are comprised by the Political Parties Act.

Seasonal adjustment

Not relevant


Not relevant.

Comparability over time and space

The first year of publishing was 2013 for contributions of the same year.

For the election year of 2013, the time period for the data collection refers to 1 March to 6 September 2013. For 2015, all contributions received from 1 January to 11 September and reported by 6 October are included in the statistics.

Statistics Norway has only included contributions exceeding NOK 10 000 in the 2015 statistics according to the definition in the acts § 18 (4). In 2013, a total of 35 donations of NOK 10 000 were reported and included in the statistics. In 2015, there were 41 such donations reported. The corresponding NOK 410 000 is, however, not included in the statistics.

All reported contributions, including the NOK 10 000 donations, are published at http://www.partifinansiering.no/ under the heading “Valgkampbidrag/Election campaign contribution” regardless of the time of reporting within or after the deadline.

Accuracy and reliability

Sources of error and uncertainty

The data is reported by the parties to the central register on forms submitted electronically through Altinn (the Norwegian electronic public reporting portal). All organisational levels of political parties shall at their own initiative report contributions received. The uncertainty of the data is connected to the degree to which the political organisations have reported according to the law.

Statistics Norway has no basis for estimating the extent of “non-reported” contributions.


Not relevant