Retail trade rose by NOK 10 billion
Wholesale and retail trade and service activities
stvareh, Wholesale and retail trade, structural statistics, retail trade, commodity trade, wholesale trade, agency business, enterprises, establishments, employees, turnover, wage costs, gross investments, industry breakdown, motor vehicles, motorbikesWholesale and retail trade , Wholesale and retail trade and service activities

Wholesale and retail trade, structural statistics2003



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Retail trade rose by NOK 10 billion

The turnover of local kind-of-activity units in the retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles, increased by 4.0 per cent from 2002 to 2003. The turnover was NOK 243 billion in 2003.

Turnover, by division. Local kind-of-activty units. 2001-2003. NOK billion

Turnover, by number of persons employed. Wholesale and retail trade, total. Local kind-of-activity units. 2003. NOK billion

The turnover in the structure statistics is excluding VAT.

Employment increased by 1 148 people, while the number of units declined by 119. The change compared with 2002 was 0.6 and -0.3 per cent respectively. The total number of persons employed in 2003 was 185 914 people, and the total number of local kind-activity units was 36 932.

Wholesale and retail trade, total

The turnover of local kind-of-activity units in the wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and household goods, amounted to NOK 921.8 billion in 2003. The total number of persons employed in 2003 was 346 735 people, and the total number of local kind-activity units was 67 688. The compensation of employees amounted to NOK 90.1 billion in 2003. The investments amounted to NOK 10.3 billion in 2003.

1.9 per cent of the local KAUs contributed to 37 per cent of the turnover

In 2003 the 1 287 local KAUs with 30 or more people employed, or 1.9 per cent of the total population, contributed to 37.3 per cent, or NOK 344.3 billion, of the total turnover in the wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and household goods. The 35 701 local KAUs, or 52.7 per cent of the total population, with two or fewer persons employed contributed to 8.9 per cent, or NOK 81.9 billion, of the total turnover.

Local kind-of-activity units, by division. 2003

Growth for motor vehicles and petrol

After two years of decline, the local kind-of-activity units within sale and maintenance of motor vehicles and automotive fuel had an increase in turnover of 3.8 per cent from 2002 to 2003. The turnover amounted to NOK 146.7 billion in 2003. The employment was 55 299 persons, while the number of enterprises was 10 445. The employment declined by 0.2 per cent, while the number of enterprises grew by 0.4 per cent. The compensation of employees amounted to NOK 15.1 billion in 2003, and the investments amounted to NOK 1.4 billion in 2003.

522 billion in agency and wholesale trade

The local kind-of-activity units in the agency and wholesale trade, exclusive motor vehicles and motorcycles, had a turnover of NOK 521.9 billion in 2003, an increase of 0.4 per cent. The employment declined by 339 people, while the local kind-of-activity units rose by 435. The employment was 105 522 persons, while the number of local kind-of-activity units was 20 311. The compensation of employees and investments amounted to NOK 41.0 and 4.5 billion respectively.

Enterprise statistics

The 57 282 enterprises in the wholesale and retail trade generated a turnover of NOK 891.4 billion in 2003. The structure statistics are published both at enterprise and local kind-of-activity units level. Statistics Norway has access to a more detailed accounting information at he enterprise level. The turnover at the local kind-of-activity units level is somewhat higher than the turnover at the enterprise level, because some local kind-of-activity units in the wholesale and retail trade belong to enterprises, which are not part of the wholesale and retail trade.

More detailed tables, please see the StatBank .
