470 000 establishments in Norway
Establishments, enterprises and accounts
bedrifter, Establishments, employees, establishments by size, establishments by industryEstablishments and enterprises , Establishments, enterprises and accounts

Establishments1 January 2007



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470 000 establishments in Norway

The number of establishments registered in Norway amounted to 469 795 per 1 January 2007. Most establishments are within real estate, renting and business activities, wholesale and agriculture and forestry.

Number of establishments per 1 000 inhabitants

These figures are collected from the Central Register of Establishments and Enterprises (CRE) at Statistics Norway.

Most large establishments are within health and social services

Every fourth establishment is within real estate, renting and business activities. But every fourth establishment with 100 or more employees is within health and social services.

16 per cent of all establishments are within primary industries, 15 per cent within secondary industries, and seven out of ten establishments are within service industries

Regional differences

There are clear regional differences when it comes to localization of the establishments. As expected, we find most establishments in Oslo and Akershus, Hordaland and Rogaland, and least in Finnmark and Aust-Agder. Almost one quarter (24 per cent) of all establishments in Norway is located in Oslo/Akershus. When it comes to the largest establishments (with 100 or more employees), Oslo is dominating with 23 per cent of the establishments.

More in StatBank Norway

Figures by industrial activity code, size groups, counties and municipalities are available in StatBank Norway.

For more information, contact Liv-Reidun Sletmoen, telephone +47 62 88 55 27, or Camilla Torp, telephone +47 62 88 55 48.
