Establishments, enterprises and accounts

Establishments1 October 2007


About the statistics


Name and topic

Name: Establishments
Topic: Establishments, enterprises and accounts

Responsible division

Division for Business Dynamics Statistics

Definitions of the main concepts and variables


Establishment  is defined as a locally delimited functional unit which mainly operates within a particular industry group (Standard Industrial Classification).

Employees / Wage earners

Number of employees / wage earners are derived from the A-scheme from 2015. An employees is a person who works in another person's establishment for wages. Employers are obliged to submit monthly reports to all who receive salaries. It also made exceptions for certain types of employment where the employer does not have the usual authority to instruct the receiving salaries.

Standard classifications

Standard for Industrial Classification SN2007, based on the EU's standards NACE Rev. 1.

Administrative information

Regional level

National level, county and municipality.

Frequency and timeliness

Until the fourth quarter of 2008, every quarter the number of establishments in the Central Register of Establishments and Enterprises (CRE) by the beginning of the quarter was published. From January 2009 the statistic is published once a year, by the beginning of the first quarter.

When these figures were published for the first time, they were by the 1st in the last month in the quarter (1st of June 2002).

Figures by the fourth quarter in 2003 were first published in the Statistics Bank as figures by the end of the third quarter.

International reporting

Not relevant


Micro data, information about sampled units and population are temporarily stored in the program language SAS and in long term as text files.


Background and purpose

First published in July 2002.

Users and applications

The public, public authorities, research institutions and industry use the statistics.

Equal treatment of users

 No external users have access to the statistics and analyses before they are published and accessible simultaneously for all users on ssb.no at 8 am. Prior to this, a minimum of three months' advance notice is given inthe Statistics Release Calendar. This is one of Statistics Norway’s key principles for ensuring that all users are treated equally.

Coherence with other statistics

The figures for level that are presented will deviate from the number of legal units in the ER, and may on industrial level deviate from what is presented in the structure statistics.

The deviation in relation to the ER is mainly caused by the fact that the ER comprises all legal units -also the ones who are not conducting industrial activities.

These figures deviate from Structural Business Statistics as these only include establishments with turnover, while this statistic also comprise new establishments.

Industry 68.201 (cooperative housing is excluded from the structure statistics for industry 68.

Due to special conditions within the fishing industry, the number of employees for this industry will be lower than the number of fishermen according to what is published in the "NOS-Fishing Statistics". The share fishermen on fishing vessels are not recorded as employees. These have industrial income, but are not registered in the ER/CRE as self-employed unless they are joint owners in shipping companies or liability companies.

Legal authority

Not relevant

EEA reference

Not relevant



Establishment statistics comprise all industries according to NACE standards. As of January 2009 a new version of Eurostat’s industrial classification, SIC2007, is in use for classification of enterprises and establishments. It includes all establishments on the Norwegian mainland.

An establishment is registered to all new legal units, with some rare exceptions. There are some units that never take up any economic activity, and the number of registered establishments is therefore higher than the number of active establishments. New establishments are included in the statistics until we have information from statistical or administrative sources. Other establishments that not active according to statistical or administrative sources, are not included in the statistic.

Data sources and sampling

The Central Coordinating Register of Legal Entities (ER) and the Central Register of Establishments and Enterprises (CRE). The number of employees is from the Register for Employer/Employees.

 Per 1st January 2015 there have been changes in the database. A new scheme (A -scheme) was introduced for reporting of wage and employment conditions to the Tax Administration, NAV and Statistics Norway in 2015. In the new scheme notified employees every month, not just by changes. This means that employers that have not reported will be left with zero employees. The introduction of A - scheme means break in the series.

Turnover and persons employed are collected from Structural Business Statistics and data from other administrative registers such as data from VAT, accounting data and income tax returns from independent businesses, in order to limit the population in relation to establishments that in reality have ceased to exist.

Not relevant

Collection of data, editing and estimations

Administrative sources and data from Structural Business Statistics (SBS) (see 3.2).

CRE is presently a comprehensive register and quality is ensured in relation to population and basic characteristics like addresses, legal form and industry codes.

The quality of the population of active enterprises is taken care of among other things by directly contacting units in connection with the data capture for the SBS and through links toward administrative registers in the monitoring system for establishments in the CRE.

The quality regarding the industry code for establishments and enterprises in the CRE is continuously taken care of. This takes place by contacting the enterprises in SN's SBS-surveys, through administrative sources such as the National Insurance Administration's annual check and in other ways through direct contact with the enterprises. Furthermore it is done with the help of statements of purposes with the ER.

Not relevant

Seasonal adjustment

Not relevant


Not relevant

Comparability over time and space

This statistics shows the number of establishments at the beginning of the quarter. When figures for 1st January are published, the register is updated with turnover and employment from Structural Business Statistics and data from administrative sources. In the quarterly publication, only changes in the register are recorded.

Changes between quarters are changes in the register and might refer to changes that actually occurred earlier, and the changes that actually took place will not be recorded until some time after they occurred.

The figures will be adjusted when the register is updated at the annual shift. The purpose of this statistic is not to show the development over time, but to give updated figures for structure of the business register.

Accuracy and reliability

Sources of error and uncertainty


The statistics are based on statistical and administrative sources. Several administrative sources are instrumental in the work with updating the CRE and are used both to define the population and to collect characteristics and information: The ER in Brønnøysund, the VAT-register and the A register are used to collect information about the units. This may cause register errors that may affect the uncertainty of the statistics.

A possible source for errors is out of date information caused by lags in the registration. Such lags are caused by the fact that changes are often registered some time after they have occurred. The consequence is that the registers are not updated at all times, something that may lead to using outdated information as basis for the statistics.

Discontinuances of activities are normally registered after they have taken place, based on information in connection with the collection of data for structure statistics or by links toward administrative registers.

Some enterprises is not correct registered regarding to establishment on different location or within different economic sectors. In some enterprises with more than one establishment, all employees is registered at one establishment.


Not relevant