Establishments, enterprises and accounts

Key figures for listed enterprises (discontinued)Q4 2004


About the statistics


Name and topic

Name: Key figures for listed enterprises (discontinued)
Topic: Establishments, enterprises and accounts

Responsible division

Division for Accounting Statistics

Definitions of the main concepts and variables

The operating profit margin shows the ratio between the operating profit and operating income.

The operating margin shows the ratio between operating result before taxes and operating income

The equity ratio expresses the capital strength of the enterprise, i.e. the ability to withstand setbacks and losses.

Standard classifications


Administrative information

Regional level

National level

Frequency and timeliness


International reporting



Final statistical files are stored.


Background and purpose

The purpose of the key figures for listed enterprises is to provide quarterly information about non- financial joint- stock companies' economic development. This is an important factor in providing figures for the annual account statistics.

Since Quarter one 2002, Statistics Norway has registered quarterly reports on enterprises listed on the Oslo Børs.

Users and applications

National accounts and economic tendency surveys and Central Bank of Norway.

Equal treatment of users

No external users have access to the statistics and analyses before they are published and accessible simultaneously for all users on ssb.no at 08 am. Prior to this, a minimum of three months' advance notice is given inthe Statistics Release Calendar. This is one of Statistics Norway’s key principles for ensuring that all users are treated equally.

Coherence with other statistics

The statistics are to a certain degree comparable to the annual statistics based on the enterprises Tax questionnaire on accounting submitted to the tax authorities, which is an attachment to the tax return in conjunction with the tax assessment of joint-stock companies ( http://www.ssb.no/regnno_en/ ).

The account statistics based on Tax questionnaires are based on the enterprise as the statistical unit, while the key figures for listed enterprises are based on the family of enterprises. The statistics based on Tax questionnaires cover all limited &; public limited companies that are due to deliver their annual Tax questionnaire on accounting to the tax authorities, and therefore cover a larger population than listed enterprises registered in Norway.

Legal authority


EEA reference




The key figures for listed enterprises are based on quarterly reports on Norwegian enterprises listed on the Oslo Børs. Banks and insurance companies and foreign owned companies listed on the Oslo Børs are not covered by the statistics.

Data sources and sampling

The statistics are based on the enterprises' quarterly reports published according to the Stock Exchange Regulations. The reports are collected from the Oslo Børs web-sites and the enterprises own web- sites.

The reports are based on the economic activity for the family of enterprises, cover all subsidiaries and show the economic development in all enterprises as though they were a single enterprise.

Total census.


Collection of data, editing and estimations

The statistics are compiled once each quarter, where the census is taken on the last day of each quarter. Owing to the Stock Exchange Regulation, the quarterly report must be approved within two months after the end of the quarter, and should be sent to the stock exchange immediately after being approved by the issuer board of directors.

Statistics Norway carries out machine and manual controls to ensure correct recording of the accounts.

Total figures are calculated by aggregating. Key figures are calculated as a relationship between the respective aggregated numbers.

Seasonal adjustment



As a rule, a figure is not published if it is based on fewer than three units. Also, if one company has a share of 90 per cent or more of the value, or if two companies contribute 95 per cent or more to the value, the figure is not published.

Comparability over time and space

The key figures for listed enterprises were established the first quarter of 2002.

In compliance with EEA regulations, many enterprises have changed accounting standards and, as from 2005, prepare their consolidated accounts according to (IFRS). The changes in accounting standards can affect the accounting figures, among others, the estimation of the value of assets.

Three new standards were introduced on 1 January 2014. These standards are IFRS 10 "consolidated financial statements", IFRS 11 "Joint arrangements" and IFRS 12 "Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities". Changes in accounting policies as a result of these new standards could affect the statistics.

Accuracy and reliability

Sources of error and uncertainty

Errors may occur during the keying in and processing of the material.

The degree of specification varies between the individual accounts. The accounts should consist of the main items from the income statement and the balance sheet, but there is also an opportunity to merge items, if this leads to more coherent accounts. Beyond this dissimilarity in the material the real content in some items can be dissimilar depending on the type of business operated by the enterprise.

Enterprises which are delisted from Oslo Børs during the quarter are normally not covered in the statistics as once delisted are this enterprises no longer obliged to publish their accounts.



Not relevant