Operating profit improved
Establishments, enterprises and accounts
regnno, Accounting statistics for non-financial limited companies, operating income, operating expenses, operating profit, net profit, fixed assets, current assets, equity, liabilities, annual accounts, profit and loss account, balance sheet items, assetsAccounts , Establishments, enterprises and accounts

Accounting statistics for non-financial limited companies2010, preliminary figures



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Operating profit improved

Operating profit for non-financial companies improved, rising from NOK 419 billion in 2009 to NOK 569 billion in 2010.

The improvement resulted in an increase of operating profit margin from 10.7 per cent in 2009 to 13.4 per cent in 2010. The NOK 181 billion in net financial items was almost the same as in the previous year. With that, the companies had higher profit before tax in 2010 than in 2009, achieving NOK 12 per invested 100.

Strong net financial items for mainland Norway

Companies on mainland Norway had NOK 244 billion in operating profit, which was about 43 per cent of total operating profit. Total operating profit increased almost 30 per cent from 2009. Operating profit margin for companies on mainland Norway rose from 6.2 per cent the year before to 7.7 per cent in 2010.

About the statistical basis

Preliminary accounting statistics for 2010 are mainly based on annual reports obtained from the Register of Company Accounts in Brønnøysund. Since not all accounts are available when the statistics are produced, the statistical basis is not complete. Final accounting statistics for 2010 will be published spring 2012. The final statistics cover more companies and are mainly based on tax questionnaires on accounting. There are some conceptual differences between accounting information in the tax questionnaire on accounting and accounting information in annual reports. The preliminary statistics for 2010 are however combined with the final statistics for 2009 and 2008. The aforementioned conceptual differences should be taken into account when the preliminary and final figures are compared.


The preliminary statistics are based on accounts from 195 487 companies.
