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Weekly Bulletin issue 17, 1996

Arrival time important factor in whether refugees find work

There is less unemployment among refugees who came to Norway at the end of the 1980s than those who came later. The time when a refugee settled in Norway is a better marker of their employment status than the number of years they have lived in Norway, a new survey from Statistics Norway shows.

Senior executive officer Svein Blom has studied cohorts of refugees living in Norway from 1987 to 1992. The survey shows that refugees who came here in 1987 have had greater success in the job market than those who arrived later. Official unemployment figures show that joblessness in Norway increased steadily during the period covered by the survey (including 1993).


Integration? Refugee groups at work, attending school and on public assistance. (Report 96/5). More information: Svein Blom, tel. +47 21 09 48 72.

Weekly Bulletin issue 17, 1996