Concept variable

CVT courses

  Norwegian (bokmål)
Name CVT courses
Definition Continual vocational training (CVT) courses must be financed at least partly by the enterprises. CVT courses are typically clearly separated from the active work place (learning takes place in locations specially assigned for learning like a class room or training centre). They exhibit a high degree of organisation (time, space and content) by a trainer or a training institution. The content is designed for a group of learners (e.g. a curriculum exists). CVT courses can but must not have an examination. Two distinct types of CVT courses are identified: Internal CVT courses which are principally designed and managed by the enterprise itself and external CVT courses are principally designed and managed by organisations which are not part of the enterprise itself (e.g. 3rd party organisations). This definition is broad and includes both short-term courses of a few hours and long-term courses. Practical training at the workplace, self-directed learning and other individual training are not defined as CVT courses.
Valid from 2005-01-01
Valid to
Owner 360 - Division for education statistics
Statistical unit Establishment
Subject 04.02.50 - Adult education and other tuition
Statistics Continuing vocational training in firms