Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer
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Økonomiske analyser 1/2005
Ett og et halvt år med oppgang har brakt norsk økonomi inn i en ny høykonjunktur som ventes å gi redusert arbeidsledighet gjennom inneværende og neste år.
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Økonomiske analyser 1/2005
På mange områder var utviklingen i norsk økonomi gunstig i 2004. Bruttonasjonalproduktet for Fastlands-Norge viste høyere vekst enn hva man normalt kan regne med.
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Norsk økonomi i 2004 : Husholdningene
Økonomiske analyser 1/2005
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Norsk økonomi i 2004 : Lønns- og prisutviklingen
Økonomiske analyser 1/2005
Ifølge foreløpige nasjonalregnskapstall økte lønn per normalårsverk med 3,8 prosent i 2004, mot 3,9 prosent året før
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Norsk økonomi i 2004 : Utenriksøkonomi og disponibel inntekt for Norge
Økonomiske analyser 1/2005
Foreløpige beregninger viser et overskudd på driftsbalansen overfor utlandet på 231,2 milliarder kroner i 2004.
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Modeling concentration and dispersion in multiple regression
Discussion Papers no. 412
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Consequences of the IPPC-directive's BAT requirements for abatement costs and emissions
Discussion Papers no. 411
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Is Norway immune to Dutch disease?
Discussion Papers no. 413
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Is Norway immune to Dutch disease?
Discussion Papers no. 413
Norway's petroleum wealth has become considerably more liquid and thereby visible to the public since the mid 1990s. In the policy debate transformation of wealth is often confused with ordinary income. Such a misconception may have contr...
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Can a carbon permit system reduce Spanish unemployment?
Discussion Papers no. 410
This paper addresses the frequently articulated worry for the unemployment impacts of abating CO2 emissions. The Spanish economy is ridden by unemployment rates well above the EU average. At the same time the deviation from EU's intermedi...
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Consequences of the IPPC-directive's BAT requirements for abatement costs and emissions
Discussion Papers no. 411
The Integration Pollution and Prevention Control (IPPC) directive from the European Union implies that the regulatory emission caps should be set in accordance with each industry's Best Available Techniques (BAT). The directive is under i...
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Modeling concentration and dispersion in multiple regression
Discussion Papers no. 412
We consider concepts and models that are useful for measuring how strongly the distribution of a positive response Y is concentrated near a value with a focus on how concentration varies as a function of covariates. We combine ideas from ...
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Can a carbon permit system reduce Spanish unemployment?
Discussion Papers no. 410
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Choice under uncertainty and bounded rationality
Discussion Papers no. 409
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Choice under uncertainty and bounded rationality
Discussion Papers no. 409
This paper develops a theory for probabilistic models for risky choices that can be viewed as an extension of the expected utility theory to account for bounded rationality. One probabilistic version of the Archimedean Axiom and two versi...