Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer
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- Statistikker (17)
- Publikasjoner og artikler (2528)
Are predicted lifetime consumption profiles robust with respect to model specifications?
Discussion Papers no. 308
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Are predicted lifetime consumption profiles robust with respect to model specifications?
Discussion Papers no. 308
Structural models of lifetime labour supply and consumption require functional specifications of preferences as well as other assumptions that can be difficult to assess a priori. Misspecifications of the model might lead to biases in the...
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Equality of opportunity versus equality of outcome in analysing optimal income taxation
Discussion Papers No. 307
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The welfare effects of housing taxation in a distorted economy
Discussion Papers No. 306
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Makroøkonomiske virkninger av ulike måter å bruke realavkastningen av Petroleumsfondet på
Økonomiske analyser 4/2001
De nye retningslinjene for den økonomiske politikken som ble framlagt i mars i år, åpner for økt bruk av oljeinntektene.
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Økonomiske analyser 4/2001
Kombinasjonen av en om lag konjunkturnøytral finanspolitikk og en kontraktiv pengepolitikk, sammen med nedgang i oljeinvesteringene siden 1998, har bidratt til å redusere presset i norsk økonomi.
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Nedgangen snur
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Revealing demand for nature experience using purchase data of equipment and lodging
Discussion Papers No. 305
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Job creation, heterogeneous workers and technical change
Discussion Papers No. 304
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Sesongjustering av tidsserier
Notater 2001/54
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Beregning av næringene jordbruk og skogbruk i nasjonalregnskapet
Notater 2001/52
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Reduserte aggregeringsskjevheter i beregninger av effektive satser for næringsstøtte 1998
Rapporter 2001/25
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Learned helplessness, discouraged workers, and multiple unemployment equilibria in a search model
Discussion Papers no. 303
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Learned helplessness, discouraged workers, and multiple unemployment equilibria in a search model
Discussion Papers no. 303
Unemployment varies strongly between countries with comparable economic structure. Some economists have tried to explain these differences with institutional differences in the labour market. Instead, this paper focuses on a model with mu...
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Næringsfordelte skatteutgifter
Notater 2001/43