Artikkel 401 til 450 (Totalt antall artikler 761)
Increase in export price of fresh salmon
Farmers' income in Norway, 2004 - 2020
Foreign guest nights more than doubled in August
A small increase in export price of fresh salmon
Resources for research in specialist health care services in 2021
Economic Survey 3/2022
Women's lives and health in Norway in a 20-year perspective
Social security pension generosity and the effect on household saving
Unchanged growth in domestic loan debt
Private candidates in upper secondary education
Increase in export price of fresh salmon
Unsecured debt. Development 2019-2020, by characteristics of the borrowers
Increased surplus
Economic consequences of high electricity prices and electricity subsidy scheme
A slight fall in export price of fresh salmon
Unrealized gains in unlisted firms: Tax liabilities and descriptive statistic
Price fall in manufacturing
CPI up 6.5 per cent last 12 months
High inflation leads to downturn in Norwegian economy
The decline in Norwegian Mainland GDP continued in July
Decrease in export price of fresh salmon
Increase in manufacturing output in July
Gender or class – What determines voting?
Fall in export price of fresh salmon
Turnover in Svalbard rose substantially
Further decline in thefts and drug offences
Fewer Norwegian guest nights in July
Structural break in the Norwegian LFS due to the 2021 redesign
Municipal healthcare services
Increased growth in domestic loan debt
Decline in export price of fresh salmon
Digital exclusion: Who has a risk to fall outside?
GDP for Mainland Norway flattened out through the second quarter
Increased estimates for oil investments indicate a lower fall in 2022
Strong investment growth in manufacturing in 2022
Dynamics of first-time patenting firms
Decline in export price of fresh salmon
Students living conditions, 2021
Humanitarian needs in Norway. Status 2022
Valuation of unlisted equity in Norway
The producer price index continues upturn
A small increase in export price of fresh salmon
CPI up 6.8 per cent last 12 months
Early retirement provision for elderly displaced workers
Manufacturing output declined in the second quarter
Increased growth in domestic loan debt
A considerable drop in export price of fresh salmon
Increased foreign guest nights in June
A considerable drop in export price of fresh salmon
Managers report further growth in product and investment prices
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