12.01 General government revenue and expenditure

 Previous released tables. 2009
General government. Revenue and expenditure. Accrued values (03.12.2009)
Central government. Revenue and expenditure. Accrued values (03.12.2009)
Local government. Revenue and expenditure. Accrued values (03.12.2009)
General government. Accrued taxes and social security contributions (03.12.2009)
Central government. Accrued taxes and social security contributions (03.12.2009)
Local government. Accrued taxes (03.12.2009)
General government. Total expenditure by function (03.12.2009)
Central government. Total expenditure by function (03.12.2009)
Local government. Total expenditure by function (03.12.2009)
Local government. Book values (03.12.2009)