Discussion Papers
Discussion papers comprise research papers intended for international journals and books. A preprint of a Discussion Paper may be longer and more elaborate than a standard journal article as it may include intermediate calculations, background material etc. The views and conclusions are those of the author(s).
Articles, analysis, and publications
Innovation outcomes of public R&D support: A new approach to identifying output additionality Discussion paper 22 January
What difference does government support of business R&D make to the rate of innovation? Addressing this important question has deep theoretical roots and broadening practical applications in OECD countries.
Getting Back on Track: Forecasting After Extreme Observations Discussion paper 18 December
This paper examines the forecast accuracy of cointegrated vector autoregressive models when confronted with extreme observations at the end of the sample period.
Hedonic regression models for housing tax valuation Discussion paper 13 December
Different types of taxation include the market value of housing or housing returns in their tax base, making it essential to obtain accurate and up-to-date assessments of property values.
EU’s carbon border adjustment mechanism CBAM – Industrial effects Discussion paper 12 December
We examine the industrial effects of two measures aimed at mitigating carbon leakage: the EU’s scheduled Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and the allocation of free emission allowances.
The role of oil prices in Norwegian petroleum investments Discussion paper 27 November
This paper provides evidence that oil price fluctuations have been an important driver of petroleum investment in Norway.
Macroeconomic and Industry Effects of Supply-Side Climate Policy Discussion paper 11 November
Petroleum-producing countries face unique challenges in meeting global emissions targets. As global petroleum consumption declines, these nations must reallocate resources and phase out a historically profitable industry.
Identifying demand elasticity via heteroscedasticity Discussion paper 11 October
This paper introduces a panel GMM framework for identifying and estimating demand elasticities via heteroscedasticity.
Measures against carbon leakage Discussion paper 21 June
Countries with ambitious climate targets are concerned about carbon leakage to countries with more lenient or no carbon pricing.
Optimal Carbon Taxes and Foreign Aid Discussion paper 24 May
This article explores whether altruistic preferences toward households in poor high-temperature countries stimulate global warming policies within rich low-temperature countries that avoids damage from global warming.
Assessing fire hazard in coastal heathlands Discussion paper 16 February
Unmanaged and overgrown coastal heathlands represent a substantial fire hazard. We analyse how this hazard in Norwegian coastal heathlands is influenced by weather conditions, land management, and usage.
Micro and macro evidence of the relationship between income mobility and taxation Discussion paper 26 January
How taxation influences income mobility is largely a neglected topic. In this study we discuss the relationship between taxation and income mobility by analyzing both macro and micro data.
The LOTTE system of tax microsimulation models Discussion paper 24 November
Microsimulation models of the LOTTE system are key tools for tax policy-making in Norway and are extensively used in the budget process.
Emission pricing and CO₂ compensation in the EU Discussion paper 26 October
Unilateral CO₂ emission reduction can lead to carbon leakage, such as relocation of power-intensive and trade-exposed industries.
To what extent are temperature levels changing due to greenhouse gas emissions? Discussion paper 25 September
Weather and temperatures vary in ways that are difficult to explain and predict precisely. In this article we review data on temperature variations in the past as well possible reasons for these variations.
Long-run Effects of School Spending: Evidence from Exiting Cohort Size Variation Discussion paper 29 August
This paper investigates the long-term effects of local government education spending on child outcomes, including income, educational attainment, and family formation in adulthood.