Structure of URLs

The URL structure for the API is version/ dataset /ID.type ?lang= lang

  • version is the current version, which is v0
  • ID is a four-digit number that identifies the data set
  • type is either «json» or «csv»
  • lang (Language) is either «no» or «en»

Examples of URLs

To enable access to only parts of a data set, use the more advanced API: Create your own dataset.




Description: Open API YAML (download)

CSV format

A comma is used as the field separator in the English data sets, and a decimal point is used as a decimal separator. The Norwegian interface uses semicolon separated CSV with comma as decimal separator.

JSON-stat format

We recommend the format JSON-stat, which has been specially developed for statistical tables (multidimensional data cubes). JSON-stat uses a hierarchical structure showing the main elements; data set, dimension, value and status. See API: Create your own datasets for more information Libraries for i.e. for Python, R and Javascript are available .

Keywords describing the data sets

The keywords or tags, describe the content of a data set.

In a data set, a tag is used to show the table number in StatBank from which the data set has been retrieved, e.g. StatBank table 08801. A different tag shows the abbreviated name of the statistics, such as bpi (housing price index), which can be viewed at or list all statbank tables as

The term “time series” is used to describe a data set containing long time series.

The tags “municipality”, “county”, “district” and ”region” are used for data sets containing data at a regional level.

Contact us

If you have any questions about the API or the data sets, please e-mail us at: .

For questions relating to the actual statistics and variables, please see ”Contact persons” in the bootom of the relevant statistics. You can also find definitions of variables under “About the statistics” for the relevant statistics.

The ”About table” in the StatBank offers additional details, and some StatBank tables also have links to classifications and definitions etc.