Job vacancies
The statistics show the number of job vacancies on a reference date each quarter, and also.
Labour force survey
Provides information on the development in employment and unemployment
Registered unemployed among immigrants
The responsibility for the statistics is transferred to NAV in accordance with the national programme for official statistics which applied from 1 January 2021.
The statistics has been discontinued
Registered unemployed
The responsibility for the statistics is transferred to NAV in accordance with the national programme for official statistics which applied from 1 January 2021.
The statistics has been discontinued
Analyses, articles and publications
Showing 2 of 2
Early retirement provision for elderly displaced workers
This paper examines the economic consequences of losing eligibility for early retirement (ER) benefits due to involuntary job displacement.
The Nordics during the first phases of COVID-19
This publication describes the Nordics during the first phases of COVID-19. The publication is the result of the Nordic Chief Statisticians' decision to publish a joint comparative analysis concerning the socio-economic effects of COVID-19 in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden.
Older analyses, articles and publications
about subtopic unemployment.