Labour market and earnings;Labour market and earnings;Immigration and immigrants
The Labour Force Survey (LFS) shows the development in labour force participation, employment and unemployment. In the 3rd quarter of 2016, labour force participation among the population aged 15-74 years was 71.2 per cent.

Labour force surveyQ3 2016


Employed persons ages 15-74, by occupation and major industry division. Annual average. 1000
In total1. Managers2. Professionals3. Technicians and associate professionals4. Clerical support workers5. Service and sales workers6. Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers7. Craft and related trades workers8. Plant and machine operators and assemblers0,9. Other occupations
00-99 All industries2 65120371045215752850246164140
01-02 Agriculture and forestry410010136011
03 Fishing12101009000
05-09 Oil and gas extraction, mining and quarrying68716173109151
10-33 Manufacturing226272144133058557
35-39 Electricity, gas, water supply28447310514
41-43 Construction20613527720120219
45-47 Domestic trade3584418593216303246
49-53 Transport and storage1447525301003585
55-56 Accommodation and food service activities77101384300112
58-63 Information and communication99115818530202
64-66 Financial and insurance activities536936100001
68-82 Real estate, tech.adm service3011493802533311536
84 Public administration and defence17319684391002022
85 Education2271117783210006
86-88 Human health and social work activities52121201601021101117
90-99 Other service activities112933239280225