Labour market and earnings;Health

Persons with disabilities, Labour force survey2013, 2nd quarter



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List of Tables
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Table 1Population aged 15-66, total, and persons with disabilities by labour force status. 1 000 and as per cent of all in each groupfullscreen-iconPopulation aged 15-66, total, and persons with disabilities by labour force status. 1 000 and as per cent of all in each groupexcel-iconPopulation aged 15-66, total, and persons with disabilities by labour force status. 1 000 and as per cent of all in each groupcsv-iconPopulation aged 15-66, total, and persons with disabilities by labour force status. 1 000 and as per cent of all in each group
Table 2Population aged 15-66, total, and persons with disabilities by labour force status and sex. 1 000fullscreen-iconPopulation aged 15-66, total, and persons with disabilities by labour force status and sex. 1 000excel-iconPopulation aged 15-66, total, and persons with disabilities by labour force status and sex. 1 000csv-iconPopulation aged 15-66, total, and persons with disabilities by labour force status and sex. 1 000
Table 3Employed persons in total 15-66 years, and employed persons with disabilities by age and sex. In percent of all persons in each groupfullscreen-iconEmployed persons in total 15-66 years, and employed persons with disabilities by age and sex. In percent of all persons in each groupexcel-iconEmployed persons in total 15-66 years, and employed persons with disabilities by age and sex. In percent of all persons in each groupcsv-iconEmployed persons in total 15-66 years, and employed persons with disabilities by age and sex. In percent of all persons in each group
Table 4Part-time employment as a proportion of total employment among persons aged 15-66 in total and among persons with disabilities. Per centfullscreen-iconPart-time employment as a proportion of total employment among persons aged 15-66 in total and among persons with disabilities. Per centexcel-iconPart-time employment as a proportion of total employment among persons aged 15-66 in total and among persons with disabilities. Per centcsv-iconPart-time employment as a proportion of total employment among persons aged 15-66 in total and among persons with disabilities. Per cent
Table 5Persons aged 15-66 with disabilities, total and in employment, by type of benefits received. 1000fullscreen-iconPersons aged 15-66 with disabilities, total and in employment, by type of benefits received. 1000excel-iconPersons aged 15-66 with disabilities, total and in employment, by type of benefits received. 1000csv-iconPersons aged 15-66 with disabilities, total and in employment, by type of benefits received. 1000
Table 6Employees aged 15-66 with disabilities, by adaptations of their work, and whether the disability occurred before or after they started in their current job. 1000fullscreen-iconEmployees aged 15-66 with disabilities, by adaptations of their work, and whether the disability occurred before or after they started in their current job. 1000excel-iconEmployees aged 15-66 with disabilities, by adaptations of their work, and whether the disability occurred before or after they started in their current job. 1000csv-iconEmployees aged 15-66 with disabilities, by adaptations of their work, and whether the disability occurred before or after they started in their current job. 1000
Table 7Employees with jobs which have been adapted to their disability, by need for more adaptation. 1 000fullscreen-iconEmployees with jobs which have been adapted to their disability, by need for more adaptation. 1 000excel-iconEmployees with jobs which have been adapted to their disability, by need for more adaptation. 1 000csv-iconEmployees with jobs which have been adapted to their disability, by need for more adaptation. 1 000
Table 8Employees with jobs which have not been adapted to their disability, by need for such adaptation. 1 000fullscreen-iconEmployees with jobs which have not been adapted to their disability, by need for such adaptation. 1 000excel-iconEmployees with jobs which have not been adapted to their disability, by need for such adaptation. 1 000csv-iconEmployees with jobs which have not been adapted to their disability, by need for such adaptation. 1 000
Table 9Non-employed persons with disabilities aged 15-66, by desire for employment. 1 000 and per centfullscreen-iconNon-employed persons with disabilities aged 15-66, by desire for employment. 1 000 and per centexcel-iconNon-employed persons with disabilities aged 15-66, by desire for employment. 1 000 and per centcsv-iconNon-employed persons with disabilities aged 15-66, by desire for employment. 1 000 and per cent

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