Labour market and earnings;Immigration and immigrants

Registered unemployed among immigrants (discontinued in Statistics Norway)Q2 2018


Registered unemployed, by region of birth and time of residence in Norway. Absolute figures and in per cent of persons in total aged 15-74 years in each group1
2nd quarter 20172nd quarter 2018
TotalSettled 4 years and lessSettled 4-6 yearsSettled 7 years and moreTotalSettled 4 years and lessSettled 4-6 yearsSettled 7 years and more
1Note that persons used as denominator give a slightly lower level of unemployed compared to percentages based on the the labour force.
2Turkey is included.
Absolute figures
Immigrants, total27 1854 4406 60616 13924 2773 6315 55315 093
The Nordic countries1 227194189844992131159702
Western Europe else1 6132813959371 259207281771
EU countries in Eastern Europe9 3132 2833 0903 9407 8021 6472 3693 786
Eastern Europe else2 1312843471 5001 8852682921 325
North-America and Oceania22329311631721822132
Asia27 5818421 2655 4747 1228251 1535 144
Africa4 1844031 0952 6864 2594171 1302 712
South- and Central-Amerika913124194595786118147521
Per cent
Immigrants, total4.
The Nordic countries2.
Western Europe else2.
EU countries in Eastern Europe5.
Eastern Europe else3.
North-America and Oceania2.
South- and Central-Amerika4.