Labour market and earnings

Earnings in private health and social services1 October 2012

The 2015 wage statistics for all industrial sections and various areas in the public sector will be released collectively on 3 March 2016 in the statistics Earnings of all employees.


Full-time employees in private health and social work activities, by occupation. Monthly earnings and basic monthly salary. Average as of October. NOK and percentage change
Monthly earningsBasic monthly salary
201120122011 - 2012201120122011 - 2012
Private health and social work activities, total34 00035 1003.233 40034 6003.6
Senior officials and managers51 10052 3002.350 40051 9003.0
- Directors and chief executives (1210)50 90053 0004.150 40052 7004.6
- General managers of small enterprises (1300)44 80046 3003.344 20045 9003.8
Professionals49 00049 6001.247 90048 6001.5
Technicians and associate professionals34 50035 9004.133 80035 3004.4
Clerks30 10031 5004.729 80031 2004.7
Service workers and shop and market sales workers27 80029 2005.027 40028 8005.1
Elementary occupations25 20026 2004.024 90026 0004.4