Labour market and earnings

Earnings in electricity supply1 October 2012

The 2015 wage statistics for all industrial sections and various areas in the public sector will be released collectively on 3 March 2016 in the statistics Earnings of all employees.


Full-time employees in electricity supply, by occupation. Monthly earnings and basic monthly salary. Average as of October. NOK and percentage change1
Monthly earningsBasic monthly salary
201120122011 - 2012201120122011 - 2012
1The figures for 2011 have been corrected.
Electricity supply, total46 00046 9002.044 00045 2002.7
Senior officials and managers70 60073 6004.268 20071 9005.4
Professionals56 20056 5000.554 50055 3001.5
Technicians and associate professionals47 60048 9002.745 40047 0003.5
Electrical engineering technicians47 10048 4002.844 60046 2003.6
Clerks34 90035 4001.434 20034 9002.0
Craft and related trade workers36 80037 6002.234 70035 7002.9
Electrical line installers, repairers and cable jointers36 70037 5002.234 50035 6003.2
Plant and machine operators and assemblers38 80038 8000.036 10036 5001.1