Labour market and earnings
The figures for registered unemployment at municipal level are published monthly in StatBank. The average for the year is summarised in an article published every year.

Registered unemployed (terminated in Statistics Norway)2013


About the statistics


Name and topic

Name: Registered unemployed (terminated in Statistics Norway)
Topic: Labour market and earnings

Responsible division

Division for Labour Market and Wage Statistics

Definitions of the main concepts and variables

Unemployed is defined as persons who are seeking income-earning work and who are available to carry out such work. In addition, these persons must not have had any work for pay or profit in the preceding two weeks. Completely laid off workers are considered unemployed.

Participants of ordinary labour market measures are jobseekers who, during the reference period, took part in a measure aimed for ordinary jobseekers.

Persons with a reduced capacity to work are defined as jobseekers who, due to physical, mental or social impairments, have problems finding work. These include persons who are assessed by NAV with a view to occupational rehabilitation or who are currently undergoing rehabilitation.

Persons with a reduced capacity to work taking part in a measure are occupationally handicapped persons who are taking part in a measure other than what is referred to as “vocational rehabilitation” (section 2543). This covers a number of different types of measures: persons with a reduced capacity who are seeking rehabilitation, wage subsidies, work practice, training, employment measures, leave and temporary positions, follow-up, assessment measures, adapted work, other measures, occupational rehabilitation, health-related review/treatment, job creation, setting up a business.

Persons with a reduced capacity to work not taking part in a measure consist of the following groups

  • Reduced capacity to work, awaiting follow-up decision
  • Reduced capacity to work, no need for measures
  • Reduced capacity to work, awaiting plan
  • Reduced capacity to work, awaiting measures.

As from March 2010, Statistics Norway no longer publishes figures for this group because the introduction of assessments of a person’s capacity to work in NAV in October 2008 led to an inflow of persons with a reduced capacity to work who did not have an immediate need for measures. The number of persons with a reduced capacity to work steadily increased throughout 2009. Although the majority of these would have been occupationally handicapped, the number of persons with a reduced capacity to work with no need for an occupational measure increased gradually in 2009. The introduction of a work assessment allowance in March 2010 resulted in twice as many persons with a reduced capacity to work. For more information, see the article «Personer med nedsatt arbeidsevne – Hvem er de?» (in Norwegian only) in Arbeid og velferd nr. 1-2011 by NAV.

Unemployment rate: The number of persons registered as unemployed as a percentage of the labour force (the sum of those employed and registered as unemployed). The total figure for the labour force is obtained from the Labour Force Survey annual avarage of the preceding year, while the sum of the employee figures and registered unemployed (NAV) is used to break down the figure at municipal level. The employee figures where collected from NAV’s Employer before 2015, and from 2015 and beyond from a-ordningen. For further explanation of the transition to a-ordningen, we refer to the employment statistics: http://www.ssb.no/en/arbeid-og-lonn/statistikker/regsys

Age: In the tables under closed time series in StatBank, age is measured at the end of the year. In new tables where age is included, the age definition is changed to apply as of the 16th of the reference month. This is in order to improve the consistency between NAV’s figures and Statistics Norway’s figures on registered unemployed persons by age.

Level of education: Statistics Norway has no information on the level of education of many immigrants. Figures from 2014 include an estimated level of education for missing values for these immigrants. For more information see About the statistics at www.ssb.no/utdanning/statistikker/utniv.
The figures on registered unemployed persons by education are not the same as NAV's unemployment figures for education. NAV figures show self-reported highest commenced education. Statistics Norway's figures show the person's highest completed education mainly based on reports from education institutions. For more information, see About the statistics.

Data on residence is retrieved from the National Population Register. For persons who are not registered as resident in Norway, but who are registered as jobseekers in Norway, residence data is retrieved from ARENA.

Standard classifications

Breakdown by municipality is in accordance with the list of municipalities as of 1 January in the year the statistics are produced.

Administrative information

Regional level


Frequency and timeliness

Frequency: Monthly figures are published once a year (November figures). 

Timeliness: The reference point is the last Monday of every month. The figures are normally published in January of the following year.

International reporting

No reporting


Microdata is stored permanently.


Background and purpose

The purpose of the statistics is to provide regional figures on persons registered at employment offices in Norway either as unemployed or as participants of labour market measures, by age, gender, education, municipality of residence and county of residence. The statistics are based on data from the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Service’s (NAV) administration system, ARENA.

Users and applications

NAV and other local and central governmental bodies, researchers, the media and various organisations are the main users of the statistics. The statistics are primarily used to follow unemployment trends in municipalities and counties.

Equal treatment of users

No external users have access to the statistics and analyses before they are published and accessible simultaneously for all users on ssb.no at 8 am. Prior to this, a minimum of three months' advance notice is given in the Statistics Release Calendar. See Principles for equal treatment at ssb.no

Coherence with other statistics

Persons registered as unemployed at an employment office are not the same as those under the definition of unemployed in the Labour Force Survey. The figures from the survey also include unemployed persons who do not register at the employment office (this particularly applies to young persons and others with no entitlement to unemployment benefit), and some of those attending ordinary labour market measures (training courses). On the other hand, some of the registered unemployed are not classified as unemployed in the Labour Force Survey due to questions on seeking work and availability for the labour market. This particularly applies to older people with long periods of unemployment.

The statistics on the registered unemployed are most suited for users of statistics that require unemployment figures at municipality or county level. Regional unemployment figures are not released as part of the statistics from the Labour Force Survey on the other hand due to the size of the sample.

Statistics Norway also publishes separate statistics on registered unemployment and participants measures for immigrants .

NAV also publishes statistics from ARENA, and NAV’s municipal figures use residence as stipulated in ARENA, while Statistics Norway creates a link to the population register to find the person’s registered address on the reference date. There will always be minor discrepancies at regional/county level, therefore, when comparing figures from Statistics Norway and NAV. Figures on country level will, however, be the same.

Legal authority

The Statistics Act §§2-1, 3-2.

EEA reference

Not relevant



The statistics cover all persons who are registered in NAV’s administrative system either as unemployed or as participants of labour market measures (jobseekers taking part in ordinary measures and persons with a reduced capacity to work who are taking part in measures). This also includes persons who are foreign nationals who intend to stay in Norway for less than 6 months.

Data sources and sampling

The statistics on unemployment and labour market measures are based on data from NAV’s administration system, ARENA (formerly SOFA). The register includes persons registered as unemployed, persons on ordinary labour market measures, and persons with a reduced capacity to work. The jobseeker data is registered locally with NAV.

Data on municipality of residence is retrieved from the National Population Register, with the exception of persons with no residence permit. As these are not registered with a fixed residence in the population register, the residence data is instead taken from ARENA where it is available.

Labour force figures from the Labour Force Survey are used to calculate unemployment rates. These figures are broken down at municipality level using NAV’s Employer (before 2015) and Employee Register. After 2015 these figures are broken down at municipality level by using employer from a-ordningen.

Not relevant

Collection of data, editing and estimations

Statistics Norway receives monthly file extractions from ARENA, which form the basis for the statistics on registered unemployment and persons on labour market measures.

Checks are made to ensure that the figures are consistent with NAV’s national figures on persons who are unemployed and persons on labour market measures.

Not relevant

Seasonal adjustment

 Not applicable, only one publication per year. Statistics Month in November.


Where two or fewer persons are observed in a figure in a cell, and this can lead to a person being identified in the published material, the figure will be replaced with dots in order to protect their privacy.

Comparability over time and space

In January 1999, NAV changed the definition of registered unemployed. Whether a person is regarded as unemployed or partly employed has subsequently been determined based on whether they have had paid work in the preceding two weeks. Persons were previously classified in one of the two categories based on whether their unemployment benefit was reduced. One problem with this was that persons could have reduced unemployment benefit payouts without having paid work. The change in the definition of unemployed on 1 January 1999 results in a break in the time series: the estimated consequence of the change is a fictitious increase in unemployment of around 7 per cent on average in 1999.

As from January 2002, the occupationally handicapped on ordinary labour market measures were grouped together with the rest of the occupationally handicapped taking part in measures (known as rehabilitation prior to the changeover). This resulted in a break in the figures relating to persons on labour market measures. Since January 2002, Statistics Norway has retrieved the figures on the occupationally handicapped taking part in ordinary measures from the figures on ordinary labour market measures, and placed them together with the occupationally handicapped taking part in measures for the occupationally handicapped (known as rehabilitation before the break). The classification was thus more in line with NAV’s practice, and ensured complete concordance between Statistics Norway and NAV’s definitions of ordinary labour market measures. The occupationally handicapped taking part in ordinary measures totalled on average around 5 000 in 2003, and around 1 200 in 2002 and 2001. As a transitional arrangement, figures were compiled with the new classification dating back to January 2001. Monthly figures are therefore available for both types of groupings for 2001.

At the beginning of 2004, the types of measures for the occupationally handicapped taking part in measures with NAV were reclassified. This led to a reduction of approximately 4 000 persons.

In 2009, NAV undertook major restructuring work in connection with a new directive on labour market measures, which came into force on 1 January 2009. The term “occupationally handicapped” was replaced with “persons with a reduced capacity to work”. Furthermore, the introduction of a work assessment allowance and assessment of capacity to work in March 2010 meant that recipients of rehabilitation benefits and recipients of fixed-period invalidity benefit from March 2010 were also classified as persons with a reduced capacity to work.

As a result of these changes, there has been a major increase in the number of persons with a reduced capacity to work, not on measures, from February (43 179) to March (136 563) in 2010. Statistics Norway has therefore discontinued the time series in StatBank of persons with a reduced capacity to work not taking part in a measure , since as from March this will contain an entirely different population to what the group originally consisted of (including more who will have medical follow-ups than occupational rehabilitation).

From the statistical year 2015, figures for registered unemployment will only be released once a year, with November as the reference month. NAV publishes figures every month. Statistics Norway focuses on publishing regional figures, as well as breakdowns of unemployed persons’ highest level of education. Statistics Norway releases monthly figures for a broader group of unemployed persons through the Labour Force Survey (LFS).

In 2018, NAV made several changes to rules and procedures, and this has led to a break in the time series for registered unemployment. The first change was to the regulations concerning work assessment allowance. Unemployed recipients can now be paid this allowance for up to six months, compared to the previous three months. In July, NAV introduced text message reminders for unemployed people to submit their employment status form if they are still seeking a job, and in November, a new system for registering jobseekers was introduced. As a result, jobseekers are now registered sooner than with the old system.  NAV’s statistics will therefore be affected due to this.

Due to these changes, figures on registered unemployment before the introduction of the new system are not directly comparable with later figures. Statistics Norway has therefore chosen not to comment on the figures in the latest news release this time, since the focus here was on the changes.

For more information on the break in the time series, see NAV’s statement.


Accuracy and reliability

Sources of error and uncertainty

NAV’s Employer and Employee Register is one of the sources used to break down the labour force from the Labour Force Survey at municipal level. Errors in the Employer and Employee Register can lead to inaccurate figures on the work force in a region (municipality or county). However, the probability of significant errors occurring is considered to be small.

Figures on the labour force are obtained from the Labour Force Survey, which results in a degree of sampling uncertainties in connection with the statistics on unemployment rates. The impact on these figures, however, is minimal.

The figures on persons registered as unemployed are considered to be relatively certain. The main reason for this is that a person is no longer entitled to unemployment benefit if he/she does not report to their local employment office at regular intervals. ARENA is therefore updated on an ongoing basis with the latest data on individual jobseekers. However, experience shows that some jobseekers do not notify NAV of work they have undertaken in the preceding two weeks. The figure is modest, but these should not have been classified as unemployed.

A certain percentage of the unemployed do not register with NAV, and are therefore not included in ARENA. This results in a degree of under-reporting. Typical examples are young people, students and others who are not entitled to unemployment benefit. On the other hand, there are also cases where persons registered with NAV no longer qualify as jobseekers. This is a problem that primarily applies to participants of labour market measures. In some cases, a person may have completed or stopped attending a labour market measure without notifying NAV, thus resulting in over-reporting. For participants on measures who receive individual support instead of unemployment money, there has until now been no requirement to report every 14 days as is the case for recipients of unemployment benefit (100% unemployed and a number of the participants on measures), which has made it difficult for NAV to identify those who are no longer participants. However, NAV plans to introduce the 14-day reporting period for recipients of individual support as well.



 Revision carried out only in cases where the errors in the data is detected after the figures are published.