Labour market and earnings

Registered unemployed (terminated in Statistics Norway)2017


Unemployed persons registered at the Employment Office 15-74 years, by level of education.1
November 2016November 2017November 2016 - November 2017
TotalPer cent
1For many immigrants SSB has no information about their level of education. For 2014 and newer years figures includes an estimated level of education for missing values for these immigrants. For more information see About the statistics at www.ssb.no/utdanning/statistikker/utniv. The numbers of registered unemployed by education must not be mistaken with NAV's unemployment figures for education. NAV figures show self-reported highest commenced education. SSB's figures show the person's highest completed education mainly based on reports from education institutions. For more information, see About the statistics at www.ssb.no/utdanning/statistikker/utniv
2level of education Upper secondary education Upper secondary education includes intermediate level courses based on completed upper secondary level, but which are not accredited as tertiary education.
The whole country78 15464 215-13 939-17.8
Below upper secondary level26 68522 744-3 941-14.8
Upper secondary education230 28024 177-6 103-20.2
Tertiary education, short10 9728 978-1 994-18.2
Tertiary education, long4 9624 139-823-16.6
Unknown or no completed education5 2554 177-1 078-20.5