Labour market and earnings;Svalbard
The statistics provide the number of employees by counties in the public administration and private sector (including public enterprises). From the 4th quarter of 2015 to the 4th quarter of 2016, the share of the population in employment decreased by 0.5 percentage points.

Employment, register-based2016, 4th quarter


Employed persons 15-74 years by sex, field of study and level of education1
201520162015 - 2016
TotalMalesFemalesTotalPer cent
1As from 2015, the statistics are based on new data sources (a-ordningen), see further details in «About the statistics». The total number of employed persons is no longer coordinated with the Labour Force Survey (LFS) as before 2015, and does not correspond any more with LFS’s total number of employed. The figures for 2015 and onwards are therefore not comparable with the figures for previous years. For more information, see the article linked to the 2015-figures: http://www.ssb.no/en/arbeid-og-lonn/statistikker/regsys/aar/2016-05-27
2Not included persons with unknown or no completed education.
3Including the level 'Intermediate level' which comprises education based on completed upper secondary level, but which are not accredited as tertiary education.
4Tertiary education, short; comprises higher education 4 years or shorter.
5Tertiary education, short; comprises higher education 4 years or shorter.
Total2 587 7042 591 9031 362 5871 229 3164 1990.2
0 General programmes707 107694 169370 888323 281-12 938-1.8
Primary and lower secondary education (level 1-2)2485 823478 303270 728207 575-7 520-1.5
Upper secondary education (level 3-5)3221 284215 866100 160115 706-5 418-2.4
Tertial education, 4 years or less (level 6)400000.
Tertial education, more than 4 years (level 7-8)500000.
Unknown or no completed education (9)00000.
1 Humanities and arts119 242118 21444 51473 700-1 028-0.9
Primary and lower secondary education (level 1-2)200000.
Upper secondary education (level 3-5)332 04130 9668 46522 501-1 075-3.4
Tertial education, 4 years or less (level 6)458 19557 55123 53734 014-644-1.1
Tertial education, more than 4 years (level 7-8)529 00629 69712 51217 1856912.4
Unknown or no completed education (9)00000.
2 Education165 311192 61158 229134 38227 30016.5
Primary and lower secondary education (level 1-2)200000.
Upper secondary education (level 3-5)31 4161 387577810-29-2.0
Tertial education, 4 years or less (level 6)4152 125153 20240 057113 1451 0770.7
Tertial education, more than 4 years (level 7-8)511 77013 0782 86310 2151 30811.1
Unknown or no completed education (9)024 94414 73210 21224 944.
3 Social sciences and law96 36999 66643 56256 1043 2973.4
Primary and lower secondary education (level 1-2)200000.
Upper secondary education (level 3-5)36 7387 0273 3703 6572894.3
Tertial education, 4 years or less (level 6)438 74439 61516 95622 6598712.2
Tertial education, more than 4 years (level 7-8)550 88753 02423 23629 7882 1374.2
Unknown or no completed education (9)00000.
4 Business and administration290 821290 870126 003164 867490.0
Primary and lower secondary education (level 1-2)200000.
Upper secondary education (level 3-5)3135 888130 15545 06385 092-5 733-4.2
Tertial education, 4 years or less (level 6)4123 720126 28962 57663 7132 5692.1
Tertial education, more than 4 years (level 7-8)531 21334 42618 36416 0623 21310.3
Unknown or no completed education (9)00000.
5 Natural sciences, vocational and technical subjects564 272565 163483 78281 3818910.2
Primary and lower secondary education (level 1-2)200000.
Upper secondary education (level 3-5)3378 595377 697342 59135 106-898-0.2
Tertial education, 4 years or less (level 6)498 57298 56878 29220 276-40.0
Tertial education, more than 4 years (level 7-8)587 10588 89862 89925 9991 7932.1
Unknown or no completed education (9)00000.
6 Health, welfare and sport367 156377 36669 826307 54010 2102.8
Primary and lower secondary education (level 1-2)200000.
Upper secondary education (level 3-5)3144 340146 95720 180126 7772 6171.8
Tertial education, 4 years or less (level 6)4175 211180 00328 402151 6014 7922.7
Tertial education, more than 4 years (level 7-8)547 60550 40621 24429 1622 8015.9
Unknown or no completed education (9)00000.
7 Primary industries42 15141 68130 89110 790-470-1.1
Primary and lower secondary education (level 1-2)200000.
Upper secondary education (level 3-5)332 68632 12024 8317 289-566-1.7
Tertial education, 4 years or less (level 6)43 3223 4462 2451 2011243.7
Tertial education, more than 4 years (level 7-8)56 1436 1153 8152 300-28-0.5
Unknown or no completed education (9)00000.
8 Transport and communications, safety and security and other services89 80190 83560 28430 5511 0341.2
Primary and lower secondary education (level 1-2)200000.
Upper secondary education (level 3-5)361 17661 40337 58723 8162270.4
Tertial education, 4 years or less (level 6)424 00124 81718 6766 1418163.4
Tertial education, more than 4 years (level 7-8)54 6244 6154 021594-9-0.2
Unknown or no completed education (9)00000.
9 Unspecified field of study145 474121 32874 60846 720-24 146-16.6
Primary and lower secondary education (level 1-2)200000.
Upper secondary education (level 3-5)300000.
Tertial education, 4 years or less (level 6)400000.
Tertial education, more than 4 years (level 7-8)500000.
Unknown or no completed education (9)145 474121 32874 60846 720-24 146-16.6