Labour market and earnings;Immigration and immigrants;Health

Sickness absenceQ4 2012


Sickness absence man-days for employees with sickness absence certified by a doctor, by sex and industry. Figures and per cent of contractual man-days (sickness absence rate). Quarterly figures.
Sickness absence man-daysSickness absence rate (per cent)Sickness absence rate, per cent change last year
4th quarter 20114th quarter 2012Change last year4th quarter 20124th quarter 2012
Both sexes
All industries6 472 2326 689 094216 8625.62.9
Agriculture, forestry and fishing47 06339 230-7 8334.32.1
Mining and quarrying115 141121 0965 9553.4-4.7
Manufacture615 935619 0903 1555.10.6
Electricity, water supply, sewerage, waste management66 70574 1747 4694.710.2
Construction509 592549 01639 4245.48.2
Domestic trade, car repair shop823 433830 0816 6485.21.3
Transportation and storage430 324443 64813 3246.43.9
Accomommodation and food service activities180 814190 2699 4556.02.1
Information and communication157 277158 8441 5673.53.7
Financial and insurance activities107 890107 768-1224.01.5
Real estate, professional, scientific and technical activities254 580260 3545 7743.5-1.1
Administrative and support service activities335 359359 81024 4515.81.4
Public adm., defence, soc. security365 080378 00812 9284.61.3
Education523 694554 08730 3935.77.5
Human health and social work activities1 744 0231 803 38859 3658.13.6
Other service activities193 203198 5315 3285.62.7
Unspecified2 1191 701-4183.8-14.2
All industries2 710 9782 793 02582 0474.22.7
Agriculture, forestry and fishing32 33326 497-5 8363.82.6
Mining and quarrying86 77390 7884 0153.1-6.3
Manufacture435 518434 115-1 4034.5-1.0
Electricity, water supply, sewerage, waste management50 24157 2747 0334.412.0
Construction465 899501 60535 7065.38.0
Domestic trade, car repair shop371 043378 6097 5664.13.1
Transportation and storage311 014324 94713 9335.94.4
Accomommodation and food service activities61 87563 3151 4404.60.7
Information and communication79 90680 0481422.51.8
Financial and insurance activities34 40133 591-8102.53.6
Real estate, professional, scientific and technical activities113 155115 7552 6002.5-0.9
Administrative and support service activities148 622161 85413 2324.40.8
Public adm., defence, soc. security126 529130 4953 9663.10.8
Education125 152126 6471 4953.65.9
Human health and social work activities206 955205 177-1 7785.12.5
Other service activities60 34161 6171 2764.1-0.4
Unspecified1 219691-5282.8-35.1
All industries3 761 2543 896 069134 8157.33.1
Agriculture, forestry and fishing14 73012 733-1 9975.9-1.6
Mining and quarrying28 36730 3071 9404.51.8
Manufacture180 416184 9754 5597.25.3
Electricity, water supply, sewerage, waste management16 46416 9004365.65.7
Construction43 69347 4113 7186.110.0
Domestic trade, car repair shop452 390451 472-9186.6-0.5
Transportation and storage119 310118 700-6108.33.2
Accomommodation and food service activities118 939126 9548 0157.12.5
Information and communication77 37178 7961 4256.17.3
Financial and insurance activities73 48974 1776885.7-2.2
Real estate, professional, scientific and technical activities141 425144 5993 1744.9-1.4
Administrative and support service activities186 736197 95511 2197.83.0
Public adm., defence, soc. security238 551247 5148 9636.31.6
Education398 542427 44128 8996.97.2
Human health and social work activities1 537 0681 598 21161 1438.73.4
Other service activities132 862136 9134 0516.84.9
Unspecified8991 0101115.29.2