Labour market and earnings;Immigration and immigrants;Health

Sickness absenceQ1 2013


Sickness absence man-days for employees with sickness absence certified by a doctor, by sex and industry. Figures and per cent of contractual man-days (sickness absence rate). Quarterly figures.
Sickness absence man-daysSickness absence rate (per cent)Sickness absence rate, per cent change last year
1st quarter 20121st quarter 2013Change last year1st quarter 20131st quarter 2013
Both sexes
All industries6 900 3366 769 523-130 8135.94.1
Agriculture, forestry and fishing41 63441 098-5364.67.5
Mining and quarrying121 339125 5184 1793.72.1
Manufacture636 447609 033-27 4145.11.4
Electricity, water supply, sewerage, waste management74 40174 040-3614.88.2
Construction565 032570 8795 8475.97.9
Domestic trade, car repair shop861 784834 614-27 1705.53.4
Transportation and storage453 062448 252-4 8106.72.6
Accomommodation and food service activities187 369192 8015 4326.25.9
Information and communication165 697159 181-6 5163.63.3
Financial and insurance activities112 850107 332-5 5184.36.2
Real estate, professional, scientific and technical activities266 462261 536-4 9263.62.7
Administrative and support service activities356 326366 0259 6996.46.0
Public adm., defence, soc. security389 807379 983-9 8244.94.4
Education594 592579 324-15 2686.37.9
Human health and social work activities1 864 0321 819 763-44 2698.43.2
Other service activities207 976198 419-9 5575.91.5
Unspecified1 5261 7241984.343.2
All industries2 868 0442 827 350-40 6944.55.0
Agriculture, forestry and fishing28 96627 547-1 4194.02.2
Mining and quarrying88 72493 5614 8373.46.1
Manufacture447 106429 411-17 6954.62.0
Electricity, water supply, sewerage, waste management56 28156 4751944.610.4
Construction518 218525 2977 0795.98.5
Domestic trade, car repair shop388 410374 307-14 1034.22.9
Transportation and storage329 614330 0023886.32.6
Accomommodation and food service activities65 54165 634935.16.9
Information and communication82 84982 721-1282.66.3
Financial and insurance activities37 45833 723-3 7352.63.0
Real estate, professional, scientific and technical activities119 351118 678-6732.75.0
Administrative and support service activities156 870166 0519 1815.08.5
Public adm., defence, soc. security132 159129 780-2 3793.36.1
Education136 010128 220-7 7903.96.1
Human health and social work activities216 127205 742-10 3855.34.3
Other service activities63 46059 325-4 1354.1-2.7
All industries4 032 2913 942 173-90 1187.73.4
Agriculture, forestry and fishing12 66813 5518836.521.4
Mining and quarrying32 61531 957-6584.6-10.8
Manufacture189 341179 622-9 7197.00.1
Electricity, water supply, sewerage, waste management18 12017 565-5555.70.5
Construction46 81445 582-1 2326.11.1
Domestic trade, car repair shop473 374460 308-13 0667.13.7
Transportation and storage123 448118 251-5 1978.53.9
Accomommodation and food service activities121 828127 1675 3397.14.5
Information and communication82 84876 460-6 3886.01.5
Financial and insurance activities75 39273 609-1 7836.06.3
Real estate, professional, scientific and technical activities147 111142 858-4 2535.00.3
Administrative and support service activities199 456199 9745188.34.4
Public adm., defence, soc. security257 648250 203-7 4456.73.1
Education458 581451 104-7 4777.68.0
Human health and social work activities1 647 9041 614 021-33 8839.12.7
Other service activities144 515139 095-5 4207.24.0