Labour market and earnings;Immigration and immigrants;Health
The statistics are intended to shed light on sickness absence trends in the aggregate and distributed by industry, occupation, hours worked and various personal variables connected with those on sick leave.

Sickness absenceQ4 2014


Sickness absence man-days for employees with sickness absence certified by a doctor, by sex and industry. Figures and per cent of contractual man-days (sickness absence rate). Quarterly figures.
Sickness absence man-daysSickness absence rate (per cent)Sickness absence rate, per cent change last year
4th quarter 20134th quarter 2014Change last year4th quarter 20144th quarter 2014
Both sexes
All industries6 551 7926 743 310191 5185.40.6
Agriculture, forestry and fishing38 37840 6202 2423.9-3.1
Mining and quarrying128 043139 65811 6153.66.1
Manufacture595 863603 7407 8774.7-0.3
Electricity, water supply, sewerage, waste management70 98273 5332 5514.3-0.8
Construction550 719564 91914 2005.0-2.4
Wholesale and retail trade: repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles820 031830 21910 1885.1-0.5
Transportation and storage431 775426 223-5 5526.1-1.6
Accomommodation and food service activities190 829199 2728 4435.6-4.8
Information and communication154 554160 2355 6813.3-0.2
Financial and insurance activities100 52798 414-2 1133.82.0
Real estate, professional, scientific and technical activities266 177273 5747 3973.52.7
Administrative and support service activities346 957362 78015 8235.83.3
Public adm., defence, soc. security368 937373 6814 7444.4-0.4
Education530 578548 60018 0225.51.5
Human health and social work activities1 767 4521 843 11175 6597.91.3
Other service activities188 575203 04214 4675.45.2
Unspecified1 4151 6882734.421.0
All industries2 732 6312 792 78860 1574.0-0.9
Agriculture, forestry and fishing26 03527 2961 2613.4-3.6
Mining and quarrying94 659104 0129 3533.45.9
Manufacture417 131424 4377 3064.3-0.1
Electricity, water supply, sewerage, waste management52 76055 0042 2444.01.9
Construction502 584514 94612 3625.0-2.2
Wholesale and retail trade: repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles369 093375 0895 9964.0-0.7
Transportation and storage315 033312 077-2 9565.5-1.7
Accomommodation and food service activities65 30566 3491 0444.2-9.8
Information and communication79 45386 2676 8142.53.7
Financial and insurance activities32 40130 693-1 7082.2-3.3
Real estate, professional, scientific and technical activities117 667119 4981 8312.51.2
Administrative and support service activities155 051164 0328 9814.42.2
Public adm., defence, soc. security124 018124 9439252.9-0.8
Education120 045119 400-6453.3-4.8
Human health and social work activities200 745206 5785 8334.7-3.6
Other service activities59 94861 3571 4093.90.3
All industries3 819 1613 950 522131 3617.12.0
Agriculture, forestry and fishing12 34313 3249815.3-2.6
Mining and quarrying33 38435 6462 2624.87.8
Manufacture178 733179 3035706.4-0.6
Electricity, water supply, sewerage, waste management18 22218 5293075.4-11.1
Construction48 13549 9731 8385.8-4.7
Wholesale and retail trade: repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles450 938455 1304 1926.60.0
Transportation and storage116 742114 145-2 5978.1-0.9
Accomommodation and food service activities125 524132 9237 3996.7-1.4
Information and communication75 10073 968-1 1325.3-3.4
Financial and insurance activities68 12767 721-4065.66.0
Real estate, professional, scientific and technical activities148 510154 0755 5655.04.1
Administrative and support service activities191 905198 7496 8447.95.5
Public adm., defence, soc. security244 919248 7383 8196.1-0.2
Education410 534429 20018 6666.64.1
Human health and social work activities1 566 7071 636 53269 8258.62.3
Other service activities128 626141 68613 0606.47.4