Labour market and earnings;Immigration and immigrants;Health

Sickness absenceQ3 2017


Sickness absence man-days for employees with sickness absence certified by a doctor, by sex and industry. Figures and per cent of contractual man-days (sickness absence rate). Quarterly figures.
Sickness absence man-daysSickness absence rate (per cent)Sickness absence rate, per cent change last year
3rd quarter 20163rd quarter 2017Change last year3rd quarter 20173rd quarter 2017
Both sexes
All industries6 045 4376 129 51984 0825.40.9
Agriculture, forestry and fishing43 30647 2053 8993.6-7.3
Mining and quarrying125 042117 673-7 3694.11.2
Manufacture489 906483 129-6 7774.80.0
Electricity, water supply, sewerage, waste management68 36967 857-5124.41.5
Construction501 271512 62711 3565.1-2.0
Wholesale and retail trade: repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles735 035759 33524 3005.04.8
Transportation and storage430 769407 872-22 8976.4-0.5
Accommodation and food service activities209 680217 7028 0224.8-2.0
Information and communication135 992129 551-6 4413.1-1.1
Financial and insurance activities89 43585 907-3 5284.1-2.7
Real estate, professional, scientific and technical activities245 941253 1907 2493.7-0.5
Administrative and support service activities324 873334 6699 7965.5-2.6
Public adm., defence, soc. security351 303358 4637 1604.81.7
Education404 002422 73718 7355.21.3
Human health and social work activities1 690 4311 731 41640 9857.72.5
Other service activities198 539199 3438045.1-0.9
Unspecified1 543841-7023.5-1.7
All industries2 550 5922 557 0146 4224.2-0.3
Agriculture, forestry and fishing30 53530 142-3933.0-20.2
Mining and quarrying94 89490 407-4 4873.90.6
Manufacture346 790340 488-6 3024.4-1.4
Electricity, water supply, sewerage, waste management52 03050 314-1 7164.1-2.2
Construction453 546460 4976 9515.1-2.9
Wholesale and retail trade: repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles331 123342 21111 0884.02.5
Transportation and storage321 000304 608-16 3925.8-3.3
Accommodation and food service activities72 86676 8984 0323.7-1.5
Information and communication71 00868 678-2 3302.30.7
Financial and insurance activities29 93228 634-1 2982.7-4.6
Real estate, professional, scientific and technical activities111 964113 6561 6922.81.0
Administrative and support service activities149 935156 2506 3154.31.4
Public adm., defence, soc. security119 251119 9326813.31.3
Education94 190100 1305 9403.73.3
Human health and social work activities209 673210 0583854.95.0
Other service activities61 16263 6752 5133.95.8
All industries3 494 8453 572 50577 6606.91.7
Agriculture, forestry and fishing12 77217 0624 2905.531.6
Mining and quarrying30 14827 266-2 8825.04.5
Manufacture143 116142 641-4756.34.7
Electricity, water supply, sewerage, waste management16 33917 5431 2045.414.6
Construction47 72552 1304 4055.96.0
Wholesale and retail trade: repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles403 913417 12413 2116.47.9
Transportation and storage109 769103 264-6 5059.012.2
Accommodation and food service activities136 814140 8043 9905.6-2.0
Information and communication64 98360 873-4 1105.3-3.4
Financial and insurance activities59 50257 274-2 2285.5-0.9
Real estate, professional, scientific and technical activities133 977139 5345 5574.9-3.4
Administrative and support service activities174 939178 4203 4817.2-7.6
Public adm., defence, soc. security232 053238 5306 4776.41.4
Education309 811322 60712 7966.00.6
Human health and social work activities1 480 7581 521 35840 6008.31.7
Other service activities137 377135 669-1 7086.0-4.7