Labour market and earnings;Immigration and immigrants;Health

Sickness absenceQ4 2017


Sickness absence man-days for employees with sickness absence certified by a doctor, by sex and industry. Figures and per cent of contractual man-days (sickness absence rate). Quarterly figures.
Sickness absence man-daysSickness absence rate (per cent)Sickness absence rate, per cent change last year
4th quarter 20164th quarter 2017Change last year4th quarter 20174th quarter 2017
Both sexes
All industries7 114 1077 248 028133 9215.52.5
Agriculture, forestry and fishing52 48254 9102 4284.11.1
Mining and quarrying127 183127 18854.00.0
Manufacture560 205552 269-7 9364.80.3
Electricity, water supply, sewerage, waste management79 44279 061-3814.65.5
Construction572 053590 78718 7345.00.9
Wholesale and retail trade: repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles838 412854 74716 3355.03.9
Transportation and storage456 768445 131-11 6376.2-0.8
Accommodation and food service activities226 291233 7437 4525.34.9
Information and communication161 960148 497-13 4633.1-4.9
Financial and insurance activities105 66899 891-5 7773.8-3.1
Real estate, professional, scientific and technical activities290 703295 6904 9873.51.2
Administrative and support service activities378 359379 7981 4395.7-1.1
Public adm., defence, soc. security406 840427 18420 3444.87.1
Education597 155630 73533 5805.64.3
Human health and social work activities2 031 3322 095 78964 4578.04.4
Other service activities227 494231 6354 1415.1-1.2
Unspecified1 760974-7863.3-2.4
All industries2 880 8372 898 74717 9104.10.8
Agriculture, forestry and fishing35 94335 929-143.6-4.1
Mining and quarrying95 26095 6704103.8-0.3
Manufacture392 480386 630-5 8504.3-0.3
Electricity, water supply, sewerage, waste management59 34258 961-3814.33.9
Construction516 917529 85012 9334.9-0.3
Wholesale and retail trade: repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles377 667385 0377 3704.03.3
Transportation and storage340 405330 739-9 6665.8-2.3
Accommodation and food service activities76 03881 0415 0034.17.5
Information and communication84 41477 329-7 0852.2-6.8
Financial and insurance activities32 17932 6875082.45.0
Real estate, professional, scientific and technical activities127 143128 0959522.61.0
Administrative and support service activities176 099175 217-8824.5-2.6
Public adm., defence, soc. security134 260135 3871 1273.02.2
Education126 464132 5126 0483.55.9
Human health and social work activities235 269240 4565 1874.93.5
Other service activities70 13972 6302 4913.7-2.7
All industries4 233 2704 349 282116 0127.24.0
Agriculture, forestry and fishing16 53918 9812 4425.513.1
Mining and quarrying31 92331 518-4055.11.6
Manufacture167 725165 639-2 0866.52.4
Electricity, water supply, sewerage, waste management20 10120 100-16.111.7
Construction55 13660 9375 8016.112.8
Wholesale and retail trade: repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles460 746469 7108 9646.54.6
Transportation and storage116 363114 392-1 9718.14.8
Accommodation and food service activities150 253152 7022 4496.33.7
Information and communication77 54571 168-6 3775.4-0.2
Financial and insurance activities73 48967 204-6 2855.3-7.2
Real estate, professional, scientific and technical activities163 559167 5954 0364.80.8
Administrative and support service activities202 260204 5812 3217.40.5
Public adm., defence, soc. security272 581291 79719 2166.59.9
Education470 691498 22227 5316.73.3
Human health and social work activities1 796 0631 855 33359 2708.84.5
Other service activities157 355159 0051 6506.10.3