Labour market and earnings;Immigration and immigrants;Health

Sickness absenceQ1 2018


Sickness absence man-days for employees with sickness absence certified by a doctor, by sex and industry. Figures and per cent of contractual man-days (sickness absence rate). Quarterly figures.
Sickness absence man-daysSickness absence rate (per cent)Sickness absence rate, per cent change last year
1st quarter 20171st quarter 2018Change last year1st quarter 20181st quarter 2018
Both sexes
All industries7 596 1957 562 731-33 4645.83.2
Agriculture, forestry and fishing52 27052 311414.5-1.7
Mining and quarrying132 953126 570-6 3834.1-2.0
Manufacture587 494565 242-22 2525.02.4
Electricity, water supply, sewerage, waste management83 54384 6231 0804.74.1
Construction626 086638 73112 6455.55.2
Wholesale and retail trade: repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles893 002883 420-9 5825.34.5
Transportation and storage469 920463 799-6 1216.74.6
Accommodation and food service activities231 234231 8816475.21.5
Information and communication164 336160 371-3 9653.2-0.2
Financial and insurance activities110 672103 980-6 6924.01.0
Real estate, professional, scientific and technical activities302 787307 3744 5873.75.5
Administrative and support service activities392 810391 791-1 0195.9-0.7
Public adm., defence, soc. security444 332449 1924 8604.96.0
Education678 335683 2124 8776.03.3
Human health and social work activities2 181 3532 179 621-1 7328.32.9
Other service activities243 866239 655-4 2115.2-1.1
Unspecified1 203957-2462.9-3.2
All industries3 040 2783 045 3955 1174.34.2
Agriculture, forestry and fishing35 80035 213-5874.1-3.8
Mining and quarrying98 94995 192-3 7573.8-1.6
Manufacture411 076396 696-14 3804.53.2
Electricity, water supply, sewerage, waste management62 55962 614554.53.3
Construction566 995576 4179 4225.54.9
Wholesale and retail trade: repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles396 537402 7656 2284.27.5
Transportation and storage352 918348 764-4 1546.34.8
Accommodation and food service activities80 68283 0742 3924.12.8
Information and communication83 44384 0235802.43.3
Financial and insurance activities35 28732 706-2 5812.4-1.2
Real estate, professional, scientific and technical activities130 734134 6203 8862.88.2
Administrative and support service activities180 943185 9885 0454.92.1
Public adm., defence, soc. security141 360144 8173 4573.27.1
Education141 557140 292-1 2653.62.6
Human health and social work activities245 097244 791-3064.92.8
Other service activities75 69976 8471 1483.91.7
All industries4 555 9164 517 336-38 5807.42.3
Agriculture, forestry and fishing16 47117 0996285.83.3
Mining and quarrying34 00431 378-2 6265.3-2.6
Manufacture176 418168 546-7 8726.7-0.2
Electricity, water supply, sewerage, waste management20 98422 0091 0255.86.1
Construction59 09262 3143 2226.28.0
Wholesale and retail trade: repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles496 465480 655-15 8106.72.0
Transportation and storage117 002115 035-1 9678.44.2
Accommodation and food service activities150 552148 807-1 7456.21.1
Information and communication80 89276 349-4 5435.3-4.4
Financial and insurance activities75 38571 275-4 1105.92.6
Real estate, professional, scientific and technical activities172 053172 7547015.02.8
Administrative and support service activities211 868205 803-6 0657.4-3.0
Public adm., defence, soc. security302 972304 3761 4046.75.7
Education536 778542 9206 1427.33.2
Human health and social work activities1 936 2561 934 831-1 4259.12.9
Other service activities168 166162 808-5 3586.1-2.2