Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

Waste from households

The statistics shows the amount of household waste collected by municipalities. The numbers cover sorting and treatment of waste, in addition to what kind of disposal service the municipality offer to their inbitants. All municipalities have provided information on waste management through KOSTRA.

Updated: 17 June 2024
Next update: 16 June 2025

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Household waste. Main figures
    Household waste. Main figures1
    In totalPercentage change
    2021202220232021 - 20222022 - 2023
    In total. 1 000 tonnes2 3362 1242 080-9.1-2.1
    Kilograms per capita431387375-10.1-3.2
    Sent to material recovery. 1 000 tonnes1 1 010928942-8.11.5
    Sent to material recovery. Kilograms per capita2 186169170-9.20.4
    1The figures have been adjusted to correct for interference of industrial waste in household waste
    2Sent to material recovery includes composting and biogas.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Household waste by material. 1 000 tonnes
    Household waste by material. 1 000 tonnes
    In total2 3362 1242 080
    Residual waste919877851
    Food and other wet organic212202219
    Garden waste181153150
    Hazardous waste837269
    Construction waste465044
    Pulluted masses353934
    Explanation of symbols
  • Household waste, by treatment. 1 000 tonnes
    Household waste, by treatment. 1 000 tonnes1
    In totalRecycling2 Incineration2 Landfilling2 Biogas production2 Composting2 Other2
    20212 3366351 2268516421215
    20222 1245861 0957315718527
    20232 0805711 0507117020116
    Vestfold og Telemark2048270424231
    Møre og Romsdal109275249143
    Trøndelag - Trööndelage1734991516110
    Nordland - Nordlánnda96225232170
    Troms og Finnmark8620532191
    1The figures have been adjusted to correct for interference of industrial waste in household waste
    2The numbers show the amount of waste send to different treatments, not the amount actually treated.
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 30 June 2021.

Household waste: Waste coming from normal activities in households (food residuals, packaging material, paper, furniture etc.), including large objects.

Sorting for recycling is understood as waste that is sorted in households or at the waste disposal area. After sorting, the waste can go to material recovery, composting, burning with energy recovery or used as filling compounds. As an outcome from this treatment there might be a rest that in most cases is sent to landfill. Waste from waste treatment is calculated as waste from service industry.

The 433 municipalities are divided in to 16 groups, after population and financial regulating framework. The grouping is based on Langørgen, A., R. Aaberge og E.R. Åserud (2001): Grouping of municipalities after population and financial regulation framework 1998. Reports 2001/35, Statistics Norway.

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