Financial holding companies

Updated: 4 June 2024

Next update: Not yet determined

Assets for financial holding companies
Assets for financial holding companies
52 681
NOK million
Financial holding companies. Key figures. NOK Million
Financial holding companies. Key figures. NOK Million
Assets53 34852 681
Investments in subsiduaries41 32142 498
Loans to group and associated companies4 8986 157
Profit/loss on ordinary activities.7 0244 611
Profit/loss6 4904 402
Operating income7 5325 739
Explanation of symbols

Selected tables and charts from this statistics

  • Financial holding companies. Profit and loss account. NOK Million
    Financial holding companies. Profit and loss account. NOK Million
    Operating income34 25421 5186 8447 5325 739
    Income from ownership i group- and assosiated companies33 81119 6116 3646 9765 337
    Other operating income4431 908480556402
    Operating expenses.9969608419301 776
    Personnel costs837724537572531
    Other operating expenses.1582363033531 244
    Financial income and expenses1 65883511421648
    Interest income from securities5572536888
    Other interest income(2).163107479531
    Dividends on shares, unit trust and equity certificates, excluding ownership interests32577442423617
    Interest expenses of securities8956395366
    Other interest expenses6965901021853
    Net profit etc. on capital assets15....
    Net profit etc. on short-term investments and currency.2 177-32188-3793
    Net other financial items06-79110-111
    Profit/loss on ordinary activities.34 91620 6416 5147 0244 611
    Taxes on ordinary activities303648489534208
    Net extraordinary income0100-2
    Taxes on extraordinary result00000
    Profit/loss34 61319 9946 0256 4904 402
    Allocations and transfers34 61319 9936 0256 4894 402
    Dividens16 03716 1672 0642 0902 034
    Transfered/received group contribution2 706-1-119.
    Transferred to/from revaluation reserve.....
    Transferred to/form other equity.15 8703 8273 9624 3802 368
    Explanation of symbols
  • Financial holding companies. Balance sheet. NOK Million
    Financial holding companies. Balance sheet. NOK Million
    Intangible assets1379611898148
    Investment properties2....
    Fixed tangible assets4548494952
    Capital assets119 112121 37441 76041 61342 798
    Investments in subsiduaries118 593120 90241 29341 32142 498
    Shares i ltd and gen partnerships1912061992224
    Shares in securities funds187126127129136
    Loans2 2532 0671 9824 9156 166
    Lans to group and associated companies2 2482 0621 9774 8986 157
    Other loans555179
    Other long term assets3611 805156128102
    Other long term assets in group and assosiated companies1312282421
    Other long term accounts3481 79312810481
    Accounts receivable31 59918 9646 700737551
    Short-term claims on group companies31 42618 7506 516473249
    Other short-term claims173214184264303
    Short-term investments3 3075 1965 2705 2532 386
    Shares and equity certificates4457554031
    Shares in securities funds3 2604 9044 8474 6562 355
    Certificates etc.....
    Financial derivatives3235368557.
    Bank deposits5 0351 949189554478
    Banks5 0011 949189554478
    Foreign banks350...
    Total assets161 851151 50256 22653 34852 681
    Liabilities and equity capital
    Equity capital112 827102 63343 32443 19941 941
    Deposit capital65 12662 49023 68921 05621 931
    Share capital27 12624 3308 5667 5577 718
    Premium fund38 00138 16015 12313 49914 213
    Retained earnings47 70140 14219 63522 14420 009
    Revaluation reserve.....
    Other equity.....
    Provisions for obligations192198204182179
    Other long-term liabilities31 20330 4408 7606 4537 213
    Bonds2 4912 0842 9522 4522 038
    Long-term debt to credit institutions28 64628 3435 6563 8295 023
    Other long-term debt to group companies54..65050
    Other long-term liabilities1113146122102
    Short-term liabilities17 63018 2313 9383 5133 349
    Short-term debt to credit institutions.....
    Payable tax etc166481215172134
    Transferes to dividend16 03715 0443812 0691 981
    Other short-term debt to group companies9761 1541 2691 0251 044
    Other short-term liabilities4511 5522 073247190
    Total equity and liabilities161 851151 50256 22653 34852 681
    Number of companies13111097
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

A financial holding company is characterised as a parent company in or part of a financial group in accordance with the Financial Business Act. Financial holding companies are not financial institutions in the traditional sense. Their role in the financial market is primarily to manage ownership interests in other financial institutions (their subsidiaries).

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 22 March 2021.

Balance sheet: The balance sheet shows assets, liabilities and equity at the end of accounting period.

Profitt and loss account: The profit and loss account shows income, costs and expenses over the course of the accounting period.

We have four types of classification: instrument, sector, industry and type.

Financial instruments and physical capital
Liabilities, claims and other assets in the balance sheet of the financial institutions are divides into two main groups with a view to providing major uniform groups such as bank lending, funding and deposits.
Debtor and creditor industry
Borrowers and lenders are classified according to institutional sector classification, based on national accounts rules.
Debtor and creditor industry
Based on the rules in the industry standard, the individual financial instruments are grouped according to the debtor's or creditor's industry affiliation.
Types of income and expenses
Including interest income and expenses, are based on national accounts rules.

Name: Financial holding companies
Topic: Banking and financial markets

Not yet determined

Division for Financial Markets Statistics

Only at national level



Publication-ready data are stored in a FAME-database

The purpose is to contribute financial accounting data to the credit market statistics and the financial sector balance sheets and the census of foreign assets and liabilities. Statistics Norway's accounts statistics for financial holding companies in Norway contain figures from 1994. Since 1996 the statistics have been based on standardized questionnaires, while the accounting data for 1994 and 1995 are based on information in annual reports.

The statistics are includes in national accounts, financial sectors balances and the census of foreign assets and liabilities.

Not relevant

The statistics are based on the guidelines in the System of National Accounts (SNA) and the IMF's Manual on Monetary and Financial Statistics.

Act on the supervision on Credit Institutions, Insurance Companies and Securities Trading etc. Statistics Act Section 2-2.

Council regulation (EC) no. 2223/96

Council regulation (EC) no. 1392/2007

Council regulation (EC) no. 1606/2002

Council regulation (EC) no. 297/2008

The population is all financial holding companies in Norway licensed by the Banking, Insurance and Securities Commission.

The statistics are based on accounting data from the enterprises.

The sample is defined by financial holding companies licensed by the Banking, Insurance and Securities Commission.

Statistics Norway collect the accounting information from the enterprises.

Revision of the Financial holding companies accounting statments are undertaken by Statistics Norway.

Not relevant

If there are less than three observations in one cell, numbers will not be published.

The accounts statistics for financial holding companies are, as far as possible, based on current accounting rules. Breaks can therefore occur in connection with changes in accounting legislation.

Errors and discrepancies can occur in the accounting data. These discrepancies can have a number of sources:

  • Errors in the reporting institutions' accounts
  • Errors in the transfer of data from the institution's primary accounts to recipients
  • Different accounting and evaluation principles
  • Different accounting dates for transactions
  • Insufficient data from the reporting parties
  • Processing errors

Due to large amounts of data and a dynamic control and revision system, published data will be regarded as preliminary until next years data for the same period is published. This means that data for the current year may be revised without this being marked in the preceeding publishing. Large and important revision however, will be commented upon in the publishing of Today's Statistics.

Not relevant
