Banking and financial markets

Mutual funds, quarterly figuresQ4 2012


Holdings of mutual fund shares, by holding sectors and type of funds, last period. NOK million
4th quarter 2012
Equity fundsBond fundsMoney market fundsOther bond fundsHybrid fundsOther fundsAll types of funds
Sum all owner sectors305 773140 53795 52042 65021 1754 045609 700
Non-financial corporations15 8587 23014 9089 0983 34940050 843
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by central government0000000
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by central government393301 614104502 092
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by local government1628400048
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by local government2302586741084151 316
Private non-financial incorporated enterprises14 2335 73311 1997 5503 25239542 362
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises366131813086
Private non-profit institutions serving enterprises1 3048751 4041 3183804 939
Financial corporations137 278115 93058 81418 7072 7982 378335 906
Norges Bank0000000
Banks1 1861 3744 1172 1981462449 266
Mortgage companies0000000
Finance companies0000000
State lending institutions etc.08833330001 216
Financial holding companies47202050120149
Mutual funds36 52513 68713 8662 1206111666 375
Investment trusts and private equity funds3053913600678
Other financial enterprises, except insurance companies and pension funds9 0665 2243 4642 2001 43120021 585
Life insurance companies and pension funds87 53792 02635 28310 0891 0711 817227 823
Non-life insurance companies2 9142 7161 1921 9147718 814
General government2 8864 7774 1601 073611012 967
Central government and social security funds892861435200570
Local government2 7974 4914 0171 021611012 397
Non-profit institutions serving households8 1516 3223 8522 7932291721 364
Households66 7882 47011 0788 25814 247784103 624
Unincorporated enterprises within households170833031
Housing cooperatives etc.007190080
Employees, recipients of property income, pensions and social contributions, students etc.66 7712 47010 9998 24614 244784103 513
Rest of the world74 7203 7802 6512 70948645484 800
Unspecified sector9228571252196