Banking and financial markets

Mutual funds, quarterly figuresQ2 2018


Mutual Funds' assets. Market value. NOK Million
Sum all assetsDepositsShort-term debt securitiesShort-term debt securitiesShort-term debt securitiesLong-term debt securitiesLong-term debt securitiesLong-term debt securitiesSharesMutual fund sharesEquity certificatesOther assets
Issued byIssued byIssued byIssued byEquity certificates
Central governmentOther domestic sectorsRest of the worldCentral governmentOther domestic sectorsRest of the worldDomestic sectorsRest of the worldDomestic sectorsRest of the worldEquity certificates
3rd quarter 20171 174 07443 2464 32925 53519 1068 963250 864128 264119 359376 123156 79034 0005 4592 037
4th quarter 20171 189 85740 1953 22326 8266 9168 931256 551128 418120 050398 491153 35939 2235 6382 037
1st quarter 20181 174 61543 1753 62224 4088 2999 454261 306130 908119 242381 612150 22334 9945 3352 037
2nd quarter 20181 209 89842 5243 86221 1947 6119 369261 430134 862128 510396 255152 96543 8145 4662 037