Banking and financial markets

Mutual funds, quarterly figuresQ3 2018


Holdings of mutual fund shares, by holding sectors. NOK million
4th quarter 20171st quarter 20182nd quarter 20183rd quarter 2018
Total1 184 0871 168 8451 204 1291 241 248
Non-financial corporations80 86781 89482 80284 473
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by central government0000
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by central government6 4247 9107 4527 386
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by local government1131136970
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by local government1 7342 1281 7611 745
Private non-financial incorporated enterprises68 75267 87769 56471 199
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises133154149165
Private non-profit institutions serving enterprises3 7113 7123 8073 908
Financial corporations773 094768 435791 127818 746
Norges Bank0000
Banks37 77630 88731 93131 634
Mortgage companies72437108243
Finance companies83838585
State lending institutions etc.560744581582
Financial holding companies164165166168
Mutual funds153 359150 223152 965156 961
Investment trusts and private equity funds1 010427358329
Other financial enterprises, except insurance companies and pension funds67 45066 97670 74880 189
Life insurance companies and pension funds498 314503 611519 790533 595
Non-life insurance companies14 30614 88214 39514 960
General government15 54517 19417 61417 055
Central government2971 6231 6971 616
Local government15 24815 57115 91715 439
Non-profit institutions serving households36 55334 82837 30037 886
Households167 896159 089159 104164 205
Unincorporated enterprises within households33363738
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises inclusive housing cooperatives etc.2222
Employees, recipients of property income, pensions and social contributions, students etc.167 861159 051159 065164 165
Rest of the world109 907107 116115 828118 545
Unspecified sector225289354338