Banking and financial markets

Mutual funds, quarterly figuresQ3 2018


Mutual Funds' assets. Market value. NOK Million
Sum all assetsDepositsShort-term debt securitiesShort-term debt securitiesShort-term debt securitiesLong-term debt securitiesLong-term debt securitiesLong-term debt securitiesSharesMutual fund sharesEquity certificatesOther assets
Issued byIssued byIssued byIssued byEquity certificates
Central governmentOther domestic sectorsRest of the worldCentral governmentOther domestic sectorsRest of the worldDomestic sectorsRest of the worldDomestic sectorsRest of the worldEquity certificates
4th quarter 20171 190 14338 0883 22326 8266 9168 931256 551128 418120 050398 491153 35939 1365 6384 516
1st quarter 20181 174 90144 6455 34322 6878 04410 365260 395131 141119 242381 611150 22331 3545 3354 516
2nd quarter 20181 210 18543 9945 08819 9687 60310 305260 494135 079128 509396 254152 96539 9455 4664 516
3rd quarter 20181 247 30448 6784 72519 6127 77912 023266 144137 654136 615409 228156 96137 6195 7504 516