Banking and financial markets;Banking and financial markets

Securities broking enterprises (discontinued)2004


About the statistics


Name and topic

Name: Securities broking enterprises (discontinued)
Topic: Banking and financial markets

Responsible division

Division for Financial Accounts

Definitions of the main concepts and variables

Balance sheet : The balance sheet shows assets, liabilities and equity at the end of the financial year.

Profit and loss account : Shows income and expenses over the course of the calendar year.

Securities : Is often used as a generic term for paper traded on the stock exchange. Along with bearer bonds and shares, these also include certificates, primary capital certificates and unit trust participations.

Brokerage : Security brokers clam allowances for the job when realizing securities. Both byer and seller pays brokerage.

Standard classifications

We have three types of classifications: instrument, sector and type:

Financial instruments and fixed assets : liabilities, claims and other assets in the unit trust's balance sheets are divided into main groups with a view to providing uniform groups.

Debtor and creditor sector : In compiling the statistics, the actors are grouped into sectors, primarily by socio-economic function, such as general government, financial enterprises, non-financial enterprises, households and the rest of the world.

Debtor and creditor industry : Based on the rules in the industry standard, the individual financial instruments are grouped according to the debtor's or creditor's industry affiliation.

Income and expense types : including interest income and expenses, are based on national accounts rules.5 Sources of error and uncertainty.

Administrative information

Regional level

Only at the national level

Frequency and timeliness


International reporting

Not relevant


Publication-ready data are stored in a FAME database.


Background and purpose

The purpose is to contribute accounting data to the credit market statistics and national accounts, and for supervisory and control purposes at the Banking, Insurance and Securities Commission and Norges Bank. Officially, Statistics Norway started the security brokers statistics in 2000 with statistics as from 1997.

Users and applications

The statistics are included in national accounts, financial sector balances, balance of payments and statistics on Norway's foreign assets and liabilities. Other major users are Norges Bank, the Banking, Insurance and Securities Commission, Ministry of Finance and the media.

Coherence with other statistics

The statistics are based on the guidelines in the System of National Accounts from 1993 (SNA 1993), European System of Accounts from 1995 (ESA 1995) and the IMF's Manual on Monetary and Financial Statistics.

Legal authority

The Statistics Act § 2-2

EEA reference

Not relevant



The population is all security brokers licensed by the Banking, Insurance and Securities Commission. According to the Standard Industrial Classification this covers part of subclass 67.120.

Data sources and sampling

Statistics Norway receives data from the security brokers. The data are saved in a data base.

Not relevant.

Collection of data, editing and estimations

Profit and loss and balance sheet figures are collected along with sector-distributed figures for bonds, shares, primary capital certificates and loans.

Controls are part of the receiving and data entry process. In the event of discrepancies the respondent is contacted by phone.

Not relevant


Not relevant

Comparability over time and space

The accounts statistics for security brokers are, as far as possible, based on current accounting rules. Breaks can therefore occur in connection with changes in accounting legislation.

Accuracy and reliability

Sources of error and uncertainty

Errors and discrepancies can occur in accounting data. These discrepancies can have several sources. Errors in transferring the data from the companies' primary accounts to receiving media Different accounting and estimation principles Different entry times Incompletely filled out reports from respondents

Variance: Not relevant Bias: Not relevant Non-response: The response rate is 100 per cent.

Not relevant

Not relevant